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  1. cinni

    A,B, C of Bible people (4)

    This thread was split automatically after 1000 replies and this thread has been automatically created. The old thread automatically closed is here: "A,B, C of Bible people (3)"
  2. cinni

    A,B, C of Bible people (3)

    This thread was split automatically after 1000 replies and this thread has been automatically created. The old thread automatically closed is here: "A,B, C of Bible people (2)"
  3. cinni

    A,B, C of Bible people (2)

    This thread was split automatically after 1000 replies and this thread has been automatically created. The old thread automatically closed is here: "A,B, C of Bible people"
  4. cinni

    Spirtual Drifiting

    My best mate is married and her and her husband are christians except her husband never seems happy he thiknks the world hates him and makes life miserable for everyone including his family. One year ago they lived up north and while living there they drifted from one church to another...
  5. cinni

    cinnis website

    i am 3 quarters irish and have always had a passion for ireland and all things celtic and gaelic so i started a gaelic irish site the menu is in gaelic but if you hold the mouse over the words it will pop up in english. I am trying to break away some of the cliches of an irish website to...
  6. cinni

    Spirit Filled?

    if your penticostal does that mean you are spirit filled? I am curious i am penticostal but i have no idea what that means
  7. cinni

    The Joe Shmo Show

    I just got hooked on this show a few weeks ago it is getting played at 10.30 at night it took me awhile to realise there is one person unaware of everything thats going on. its entertaining viewing theough. Has anyone else here seen it or watching it?
  8. cinni

    devotion help

    Can anyone help me learn how to write a devotional i don't know how to write one i have stuff to put into a devotional but i do not know how to put it together
  9. cinni

    The Day after Tomorrow

    I brought this dvd as an anniversary gift for my hubby and i to enjoy and for nearly 3 hours last night we sat and watched it and i kept waiting for the action to start if i had to rate it out of 5 stars it would be lucky to get 2 stars has anyone else seen this?
  10. cinni


    Does anyone watch this? Do you actually think there is any basis in truth to aliens being stored at roswell? I like the show despite the story behind the show of history, i find it a good show when i get home from work just to sit and vege out in front of
  11. cinni

    Who is the spirtual leader in your home?

    In my house it is me as my husband is not a christian but it is a scary thing because i do not know what things i should be leading in. Should i be praying with my kids each day? should i be reading them bible each day? do i tell my husband about stuff in the bible? What do you all do?
  12. cinni

    sin verses forgiveness????

    I was wondering i have a situation before i became a christian i did something really bad and if my husband found out the truth it would destroy our marriage but i need forgiveness because i am continueing to punish myself every day even though its been 2 years and i can't keep doing that i need...
  13. cinni


    Does anyone esle here like this new spin on the superman story?
  14. cinni

    portrait bears

    i seen my sister making portrait bears today out of dough and i want to make them to only i have looked all over the net for how to make them does anyone here know how? my sisters all secretive on them otheriwise i would ask her
  15. cinni


    my 3 year old is outta control and i am at my wits end this morning he exploded the microwave 6 months ago he damaged the new bathroom costing us thousands in repairs and he is just ito everything he always gets up before the sun and i work late nights so i need my sleep but i am not...
  16. cinni

    If you could?

    If you could run your own tv program for a new series and you had the final decision what would you do? who would you have starring in it? would you have anyone starring in it or would it just be you? would it be a reality show? would it be a rock show? who knows put your imagination to the...
  17. cinni

    A,B, C of Bible people

    ok this game is much like all the other abc games I say Abraham and you might say Barnabas then the next person might say Caleb etc the translatiobn i am told should be defined for this game so modern english NIV or something along thise lines ok Amos
  18. cinni

    What should i do?

    I have heard it said that if you can forgive yourself for past doings and you ask god for forgiveness then he wil forgive you. but the thing is i have said and done so much in my marriage that i am not happy about infact looking back i would really rahter not have gone their but i did and now...
  19. cinni

    tv addiction

    are you a parent who has a child who always wants to watch tv and gets snotty if you try to watch something? my son is addicted to tv and he is really temperemental if i turn the tv off i kinda can't handle nickelodean and disney round the clock.
  20. cinni

    Story 4 U

    One Day A Christian