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  1. J

    Discussion Hunger and thirst for righteousness!

    It's Jesus's own words that those who hunger and thirst for righteousness will be satisfied. It's important to note that we must first hunger and thirst to be satisfied. I've noticed that apathetic contentment is never a sign of abiding in God, but a contentment in the midst of the battle is...
  2. J

    The Fall feasts.

    A fellowship thread was started to discuss how some of us here may celebrate Rosh Hashanah. As we could all guess it was almost immediately derailed with the ironic accusation that the pagan winter solstice festival is freedom and the Biblical celebration of God coming to dwell with us in one...
  3. J

    Well, it's been a time...

    ... but I think Pete's board is about to get a lot more traffic. Maybe I'll check back in a few years to see JimB and Murj continuing to sing jonnymac's praises and tell each other how horrible the Charismatic churches have become.
  4. J

    Exploding S10s...and tempting God.

    A few years ago one of the mainstream news shows did a piece on Chevy S10s exploding in side impact crashes. To prove how dangerous S10s were they rigged them with explosives and remote detonators, and staged some side-impact crashes. The S10s in the filmed demonstrations caught fire or...
  5. J

    Why does cessation...

    Why does cessation get more support on this supposed Spirit-filled forum than the sound doctrine of the scriptures?
  6. J

    Is there a group of people who think they are saved, but really aren't?

    According to Calvinism?
  7. J

    watch what you say

    This is Christian forums. Be careful what you say. The names have changed, but the iron fist of political correctness remains the same. Goodbye.
  8. J

    my parents were murdered

    My parents were murdered about a year and a half ago. It happened the night I called my mother to tell her that my grandmother was in the hospital, and we weren't sure she'd make it. My parents lived in West Virginia, I live in Pennsylvania, and Grandma was in Florida. Three weeks later when...
  9. J

    my parents

    I can't sleep, so I guess I will start a post about my parents. We haven't lost just my parents, my mother-in-law went to be with the Lord in February, my remaining grandmother died in November, and in December one of my wife's nieces died in an appearent suicide, (somewhat suspicious to us)...