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  1. S

    Vice of Wrath/Wroth

    I have been struggling lately with angry emotions. I haven't acted on any of them, but I don't understand where they come from. I think I am more religious today than I have been, say, two years ago. I have been praying more and attending church more regularly. I know part of it might be...
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    Religious Advice from non-Christians

    It might seem strange that I'm asking about advice on an advice forum, but please bear with me. I have spoken with a friend yesterday (raised atheist but considers himself to be spiritual). He was surprised that I changed my religious perspective (reconciling with the Catholic church I was...
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    I have no recollection of being taught about purgatory in my religious education. On the contrary, I think the first time I studied purgatory in any detail was in World History class in high school. My teacher essentially told us that it was invented so that the church could collect money from...
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    Spiritual Health

    I have been investigating religious orders, and one of them requires you to be in good spiritual health. I have never given much thought to spiritual health. What, in your opinion, is the Catholic definition of spiritual health?
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    Accusations That My Thoughts are for "Attention"

    A few members of my family seem to think I can control how I think/feel. Obviously, if I could control all my emotions I would not have any problems. But unfortunately, right now I cannot control my emotions and it is causing me to make small errors, and then I worry about those errors until I...
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    Interest in Joining the Little Sisters of the Poor

    I have undergone a traumatic experience, and in light of it I decided to reconcile with the Catholic Church. I feel that vanity was a major cause of my choices that led to that experience, and I remember my previous desires to let go of the material world and serve God. I asked my parents about...
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    Queen Mary Psalter

    I am interested in this psalter for historical and spiritual reasons. I like the fact that Mary never betrayed her mother while she was alive and never betrayed her religion; it is a fortitude I do not possess. I have found a few pictures online, but the text is apparently in Anglo-Norman and I...
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    How to Start on Right Foot in Community?

    I have been putting off attending a church for awhile, and I decided to give deep thought as to why I am afraid to go. I think it all stems from the negative experiences I had in my college's Intervarsity. The people were great during the social events and outside of Intervarsity events, but I...
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    The Last Romanovs Status

    Today I noticed on the Eastern Orthodox calendar that July 4 honors the "Royal Martyrs of Russia". I read some books about the Romanovs and the Russian Revolution, and I thought they were given the title "Passion-Bearers"? Is that synonymous with martyr?
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    Elizabeth I and Conscience

    One of my favorite historical figures if Elizabeth I. I have often used the phrase "do not make windows into men's souls". In movies she is often saying things like, "I will follow my conscience." I was wondering if there is anything in Anglicanism that emphasizes personal conscience or if...
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    Church Adventuring: Anglican or Episcopalian or Both?

    My transportation problems are over, and I'm thinking of taking the big step of going out into the world and visiting churches again. I did this on-and-off during college, as my standing with the Catholic Church is complicated. I am giving serious thought to switching denominations. I visited...
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    Would I Need an Invitation?

    After reading the replies to my Ormylia topic, I began chatting with my friend who is Greek Orthodox. He told me he does attend the local church, but usually only on the holidays. I asked him if he thinks I could go without an invitation, he thought so but said he was not sure. Would it be...
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    Education of Women

    I am posting this here because I think this denomination is the closest to what I wish to ask about. I've done a lot of thinking about the positive role Protestantism played in regard to the education of women. I agree with the historian Gerda Lerner that the need for women to be able to read...
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    Interested in Visiting Orymylia

    I have contemplated going to Greece someday for a vacation. I have learned a bit about Mt. Athos and that Orymylia is a convent affiliated with that monastery. My question is if being Orthodox would be a requirement to visit? I enjoy studying the Byzantine Empire and appreciate the beauty of...
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    New/Returning Member

    I got a birthday message from your forum and decided to request my password. I have not visited this site since 2004 and I do not remember any of my interactions, so for all intents and purposes I think I qualify as new. I graduated college about a year ago, and it has been difficult to be as...
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    Hi Everyone! So whats up?

    Hi, my name is Vanessa, I'm from Illinois, and yes I'm a teen. I really like this website already, because I can talk about religion without feeling prejudice. At school some kids hate other kids just because of their religion. :sigh: Cruel world we live in. Ok, now that I got that out of...