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  1. footballfanatic

    The Talmud

    I've been doing a deep-dive study on the Talmud and, specifically, the Talmudic Period which was between 400 BC and 500 AD in Israel. It's interesting that we think we know Jesus but so many of us have never heard of the Talmud and don't know that it would have been one of the most influential...
  2. footballfanatic

    Looking for Ministers To Provide Quote for Manuscript

    This is a traditionally published book with a 50+ year old Christian publishing company. We are looking for ministers/clergy who are interested in reviewing the manuscript (sample chapters or complete manuscript) to consider providing a quote to go on the cover of the book or on some of the...
  3. footballfanatic

    Historical Question On Women During Time of Christ

    In the time of Christ, did single Jewish women (or married Jewish women) work outside the home to earn income? For example, would a Jewish woman or wife have worked at a shop or with a merchant to clean, organize, or anything else as a way of earning income for herself or family? Would she have...
  4. footballfanatic

    Fewer divorces amid Covid lockdowns?

    Here is a report from the New York Times that lists some polls and opinions from some experts that say that the lockdowns have actually benefitted marriage relationships (the polls are summed up here). I know we all have anecdotal evidence to suggest otherwise because the lockdowns couldn't...
  5. footballfanatic

    Koran Recital in Episcopal Cathedral Quotes Passage Denying Jesus Was Son of God

    WHAT were they thinking?! This is a horrible apostasy and heresy. A passage from the Koran that denies one of the central tenets of the Christian faith was sung aloud at a cathedral service in Scotland. The passage from Surah 19, which specifically denies that Jesus was the Son of God and...
  6. footballfanatic

    California Democrats Legalize Child Prostitution

    This is just stunning and infuriating! But I am sure there are still Democrats, even here, who will defend this in the name of supporting their party. Beginning on Jan. 1, prostitution by minors will be legal in California. Yes, you read that right. SB 1322 bars law enforcement from arresting...
  7. footballfanatic

    Governor Kasich Legalizes Campus Carry. What Do You Think?

    On Monday Ohio Governor John Kasich (R) signed Senate Bill 199, thereby legalizing concealed carry on college and university campuses where school trustees vote to allow it. Source What do you think about this? If you have a son or daughter who is a college student, would you feel safer if they...
  8. footballfanatic

    Christmas Is So Offensive

    The Washington Post gave audience to Ruth Everhart who said that the Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus, offended her. Why? Well her reason for being offended started off as a claim that the virgin part about Mary was offensive because rape victims could no longer obtain virgin status. But then...
  9. footballfanatic

    List of East-Tennessee Churches Status After Fire

    Lots of church buildings burned down or receiving major damage. Some church buildings that have not burned down have set up shelters. Here's a status/update on the state of the churches in that area: Update On East-Tennessee Churches After Fires The list is being added to as they received...
  10. footballfanatic

    Methodists Fearful of Islamification of their Churches

    After I read the story entitled, “Methodist Churches Converting To ‘Virtual Mosques’ For Muslim Migrants,” I spent much of the day in mild shock. I couldn’t believe what was going on inside of a Christian denomination whose founding was so deeply influenced by the great man John Wesley. I had...
  11. footballfanatic

    Maryland Church May Shut Down After City Fines Them $12K for Helping Homeless

    Dundalk, MD – The Patapsco United Methodist Church faces a fine of $12,000 for offering a safe haven for the homeless after a disgruntled neighbor decided that the church’s helping hand to the homeless was hurting his business. “I showed up Wednesday morning to find a citation on the door that...
  12. footballfanatic

    Ohio Senate Passes Bill to Ban All Abortions After an Unborn Baby’s Heartbeat Begins

    If you are pro-life and believe in the sanctity of life, this is very good news. I'm often amazed that people who consider themselves "prochoice" (abortion is about the only thing that democrats are prochoice on), seem so flippant and exercise no caution on abortion. I'm glad Ohio seems to be...
  13. footballfanatic

    For Parents With Disrespectful Children

    We all have disrespectful children at times, but some situations are more difficult than others. I just wanted to recommend this article I found for parents who are struggling with disrespectful children. If that's not you but you know of parents who struggle with it, you might want to send it...
  14. footballfanatic

    Amazing Church Building

    Have you ever heard of the Between The Lines Church? It's a fascinating structure that was primarily made to make a visual point. Though the article says it wasn't made to be a place of worship, but to make a point, I'm guessing that groups have devotionals or Bible studies around it or in...
  15. footballfanatic

    Autistic Young Man Breaks 3-Point Record!

    You've got to see this video at Jason McElwain Breaks Three Point Record In First Game!. It's about a high school senior was was the team manager for the basketball team. During the last game of the year, the coach lets him wear a uniform. And when they're far ahead the coach decides to let him...
  16. footballfanatic

    St. Patrick's Day - Who Was St. Patrick

    I guess I've always just thought that Saint Patrick was an Irish guy who got his own holiday that's coming up this Sunday (March 17th)...but I never thought much more about him. He was actually a great man who dedicated himself to the Lord's work. Here's an article about him: Who Was Saint Patrick?
  17. footballfanatic

    New Article On Dominating Spouses

    Here's an article series by Joe Beam on dominating spouses and what can be done about it along with what help is provided by Joe's ministry. There's also an evaluation you can take to gain some insight into your situation. Here are the articles: Controlling and Dominating Spouses Part 1...
  18. footballfanatic

    The Nephilim: Offspring of Angels and Humans?

    Here's an article called, "The Nephilim: Did Angels and Humans Have Children?" The general debate is whether Genesis 6 is referring to angels who mated with humans or the descendants of Cain having children with the descendants of Seth. What do you think? (The article has several...
  19. footballfanatic

    An "Inside Job" For God?

    Here's a fascinating article about some converted mobsters and convicts who constructed a church building INSIDE a prison. An Inside Job for God
  20. footballfanatic


    I've known for some time that Kwanzaa was a made-up holiday. But just how "made up" and how political and outright racist I didn't know until I read this: The Many Falsehoods of Kwanzaa The original goal was to divide white and black Christians, apparently.