Search results

  1. aritsotle

    What good have you gotten from Christians forums?

    The question is about Christian forums in general. It can also be answered specifically about this site. I've been looking and thinking about it. I yet have not confirmed a good thing that it brings. If you have, please tell me.
  2. aritsotle

    Similar to Aquinas

    Aquinas wrote comprehensively and employed both platonism and artistotelianism. Is there a protestant theologian who wrote comprehensively and employed both platonism and aristotelianism? The specific similarity in question is that good-faith attitude towards questions (even seeming...
  3. aritsotle

    Prose and Praise

    Please allow a thread for praising Jesus Christ the Beautiful Lord and Everlasting King! Poetry and Prose, please. Whatever is on the heart.
  4. aritsotle

    Hello, hope you're well

    I am from California. Working on getting life steady. In the meantime, struggling with the balance of studying, working and attending church (and helping at church). For some reason there is such a limit of time and vigor. I am sure God is wise in how he works with us. However I am a little...