Search results

  1. Christfollower7

    Obey the Sabbath!

    There are some (usually about 10% of Christians), who would say that Christians should worship/obey the letter of the law in obeying the Sabbath on a Saturday. In fact, they would say that if you go to church and worship the Lord on a Sunday, you are living in sin. Particularly those in the...
  2. Christfollower7

    To Give or Not to Give

    There are some who would propagate that it is not right to tithe (give) to the Christian church, because it is not stated in the New Testament. Does a Christian have an obligation to tithe to his or her home church? Should a Christian take complete ownership with where and how they give or is...
  3. Christfollower7

    Church policy about rides with the opposite sex

    I would post this in the "Christian Ministries" section, but this question does NOT fit any of the categories. So here it is: Do you think churches should have a policy about not allowing rides by the opposite sex, when the couple is not married, engaged, or dating? I have personally seen men...
  4. Christfollower7

    Calvary Chapel Downey's Jeff Johnson's Memorial Service

    Did anyone sit under Pastor Jeff's teaching or have any fond memories? His memorial service is coming up on April 6 @ 11am. I have met Pastor Jeff several times at various events and always admired his teaching and humility. He was a great man of God and will be greatly missed. Here is the...