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  1. Harry Larry

    First draft of Unnamed Christian SciFi Novel

    I am going to try to post my first draft of a novel I am in the process of writing. Feel free to "interupt" with comments, questions, suggestions and such, as I will do my best to keep the entire story straight in this initial post! Also, I apologize for the poor formatting, the forums are still...
  2. Harry Larry

    Dem*ns mentioned by name in the Bible? [writing research]

    I was inspired by someone to, perhaps, write a novel based in Christian theology, but with a more modern action theme. So I thought I would write about someone fighting the influence of Evil in a dystopian city, Evil in this case being one or more dem*ns manipulating the will of humans. I have...
  3. Harry Larry

    A Christian Cinematic Universe?

    I was at a dinner with a friend and his family a few days back, and had a very interesting encounter. In fact, it is what motivated me to break out of my little introvert exile and find this place online, something that is, well, not really like me (countryside isolation becomes a very comfy...
  4. Harry Larry

    The big hello

    I guess that says the main stuff. Hi. Hello. How are you? G'day, mate? I am clearly not used to doing this whole online thing, but I thought I would give it a shot. My name is Harry, I live in Scandinavia, where I was a teacher until I retired a few years back. I live in the countryside with...