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  1. Bones49

    Chosen before the foundation of the World

    I'm wondering how many verses clearly discuss being chosen or predestined or foreknown before the foundation of the world. I can only find two (outside of Revelation) Eph 1:4 For he chose us in him before the foundation of the world to be holy and blameless ... 1 Peter 1:20 He was foreknown...
  2. Bones49

    How Could God Predestine Me For Salvation From Before the Foundation of the World

    So my understanding of Reformed Soteriology is that God predestines individuals for salvation from before the foundation of the world. That is to say that he chose who will be saved before he had even created the world. Is this a fair representation of what Reformed Soteriology says? If so...
  3. Bones49


    I have been studying Church History of late, and the lecturer is a Reformed Presbyterian (I have nothing against Presbyterians). I am really enjoying the course, but find my mind stirred by the doctrine of predestination. I had a similar experience last time I studied theology (20 years ago)...