Search results

  1. L

    Conservative Moravians?

    Not exactly Anabaptist but I couldn't find better place. I'm wondering if there are some Moravians, maybe some groups in Moravian Church I couldn't find, that support traditional views on sexuality, pastor ordination etc? I feel Moravian Church is very close to me, I like many aspects of...
  2. L

    Long seeking - Am I alone?

    I tried to find a place for me But I couldn't... Im tired of churches where the lasers, drums, emotions are in the center, churches which doesn't understand difference between prozelitism and evangelism, with 50 minutes sermons full of jokes, full of blind fanatism and conspiracy theories. I...
  3. L


    Hello, I'm trying to find my place in Christianity since a long time but still without success so Im here to see if there are any other People like me as you can guess I like Lollards and John Wycliffe