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  1. N

    Hearing voices telling me i have the call to the ministry

    Hello all, some of you may have seen my other posts where I wrote about hearing voices. I still do; a legacy, I feel, of my long time of drug and alcohol addiction. For a while now they've been trying to convince me that they're the call to becoming an ordained Christian minister. I have no...
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    Thinking of posting this on some pro-drug websites or atheist web sites. Thoughts? Opinions? Helpful criticism welcome!

    Hello all! please give me some ideas on where to go with this post. It's intended for "psychonauts" as some terms themselves: those who use drugs for recreation for their supposed mind-expanding properties. IMO, when you expand your mind and don't only use such sub stances medicinally, a devil...
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    Does anyone have any good tips on how to evangelize people? I tend to be a very shy person and am -not- good at starting conversations, especially on so important subjects as faith, salvation, and our Lord. I'm a member of the evangelism team at my church. but we don't meet regularly or anything...
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    How drugs, ignorance, and pride can ruin a man.

    I have been a very sinful man in my time, and one of the things I believe that the Lord had done is visit his righteous vengeance on me. i can testify that anyone who does not fear God's wrath and vengeance is very unwise. I'm a struggling Christian. I've been constantly under attack from what i...
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    Prayers for my aunt who is in physical rehab and for me to find a job.

    Asking for prayers for the two above things. My aunt had a stroke last year and I can testify that prayers to God have helped her regain the use of her legs. Thank you Lord Jesus!
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    Bible X Game's Gate ZERO exploration game needs Kickstarter backers!

    Hello all, I ran across this one on Facebook: It's essentially a Skyrim/Elder Scrolls-style exploration game set in ancient Israel. The videos of it look pretty good. For anyone who wants to throw some donations their way via Kickstarter, here's the link to...
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    Be Careful of What Your Child Reads

    Be Careful of What Your Child Reads When I was a child, in middle school. I ran across some books that changed my life for the worse. I do not remember the titles, nor who published them. But, they were on drugs: marijuana, methamphetamine, cocaine, etc. I read them – I was (and still am) a...
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    How I learned to deal with my voices

    Hello all, As a result of several years' worth of methamphetamine use, I began to hear voices. It was not a fun time, and is still ongoing today. I do hope, with faith in Christ, that this description of my experiences will assist some of you in dealing with similar situations in your own...
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    Hello everyone

    Hi all, I am a college-educated professional, with a few IT cetifications under my belt. I'm also a former atheist, meth/weed/alcohol/video game addict, and perhaps a minister-in-training, given I've been looking for a new vocation. I still play video games occasionally, but have left the drugs...
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    A former atheist & drug worshipper's testimony

    Hello, Recently, I encountered what I would consider a calling of faith from God. For almost two decades, I was an atheist, from the age of 23 or thereabouts to the age of 42. Not just the “I don't think Jesus and God exist” type, but the “the biblical God is evil” type. I'd spent a long time...