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  1. TylerBibleThumper

    Have to ask:

    Sorry if this is in the wrong spot. Really wasn't sure and couldn't get a response from a mod. What is the most powerful prayer you have ever heard? Seen? Used? Etc.? Padre Pio's Sacred Heart Novena is tied to tons of miracles and said to be very effective. Others insist Novenas to the...
  2. TylerBibleThumper

    I ask for prayers of healing.

    I've seen quite a few doctors since this all started in August of last year. They've tried everything but cannot diagnose me with anything specific. The doctors did all the testing they could possibly do. I need spiritual help. I've tried novenas, litanies, rosaries, etc. and nothing has worked...
  3. TylerBibleThumper

    I need healing urgently.

    If you would be so kind so as to pray to the LORD Jesus to heal me? I would really appreciate it.
  4. TylerBibleThumper

    URGENT: Hearing Voices. Abba Father why have you forsaken me? I'm desperate!

    Back in mid August, I had an absolutely horrific experience in the middle of the night. I was overcome by uncontrollable shaking, chills, my heart rate was out of control, unnatural ringing sensation in my ears, crippling sudden headaches, dizzy spells and auditory hallucinations. I felt frozen...