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  1. S

    Does God determine how long you live?

    Yes, God is all sovereign. He is in full control and nothing happens or can happen without his knowing. However, this doesn't necessarily means he "causes" all things to happen and not happen does it? I know in Scripture it said that God numbers the hairs on my head and so he has also numbered...
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    Is it wrong to want more in life?

    I feel guilty and like a bad person for wanting more in life. I know that we should just be thankful to God under all circumstances and if I have a warm bed to sleep in, food on the table, a decent job, a couple parents who love me, and a pretty average life living in a first world nation...
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    The irony of telling God you're lonely

    I find it really ironic (is that right word or is there a better word) telling God in prayer that I'm lonely. I know the right answer is supposed to be, if you have a real and intimate relationship with God you shouldn't be lonely, otherwise that is like saying to God, He doesn't complete me...
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    Ai vs Christian theology

    The AI craze is just getting crazier. It's constantly in the news, in our phones, ads, videos, content, non-stop. While it's exciting on the one hand of the endless possibilities with AI, it's also scary because it is changing the very definition and meaning of everything! Everything except...
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    A Life of Comfort, Excess, and Pleasure

    Isn't it wonderful to live in such times where we have more (in terms of material wealth) than ever before in history? We are surrounded by so much luxury, food, excess, pleasures, technology that makes our lives better, and overall more advanced. I don't know whether this is actually supposed...
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    Pointing out other's faults when I have my own faults

    I know about the passage that Jesus says not to judge the speck in someone else's eye when you have a plank in yours. I just wonder about the context. Since we are all sinners and all have our own faults, then technically, we would never be allowed to point out or raise up any problems and...
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    1 or the 99?

    Do you think a church / ministry / pastoral leadership that focuses more on the 99 instead of the 1 are doing it somewhat wrong or misguided? Scriptures teaches us that Jesus (Shepherd) will go out for the 1 and leave the 99 and that shepherd will be happier about the 1 than the 99 that didn't...
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    Controversial Tithing Debate

    Some people believe in literal tithing which is to give 10% of your income to God. Some people believe it's not meant to be literally 10% but meaning simply to give to God your best and be generous (give with a cheerful heart rather than giving disgruntled). Then we have to define what does it...
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    Prayer was never going to be answered....

    I do believe in prayer and I know it's not necessarily an "ask and you shall receive" sorta deal. Prayer is about intimacy with God and not using it as some sort of genie in the bottle tactic. Prayer sometimes is looked upon incorrectly as something you do as a petition to God to get an outcome...
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    Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger? Lies....

    There is this popular saying that whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I'm sure you've all heard of this. I don't believe this to be true at all. In fact, I believe what the Joker says about it. "Whatever doesn't kill you, simply makes you stranger". Applying this to a Christian...
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    Challenging scenario for you. Would you be able to?

    So obviously this is only a scenario. It's not real (at least I hope nobody ever has to go through this). But it makes me wonder, would you be able to as a true follower of Christ? I will tell you right off the bat, I wouldn't be able to. I'd fail that. The scenario is this: You have a...
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    If God can forgive murderers, is there a limit? If so, what is the limit?

    Something dawned me today. If someone committed murder and let's say you get a life sentence in prison but you repented truthfully in your heart and accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior, then I assume God would forgive that person even though they will still live out their natural life behind bars...
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    Why Even Go to Church if.....

    I love the church. I grew up in the church. Some of my life's greatest memories and experiences came in the church. I want to go to church everyday if possible. The problem is, we don't have church services/meetings/gatherings/bible studies/fellowship/events every single day or multiple...
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    Confused by women and the feminism movement

    The traditional view was the man is the breadwinner. Therefore he should be the gentleman and take the lady out, pay for her meal, etc. If the man has money, a good job/career, and is able to show he can provide security for the lady, then people approve. The modern view is actually quite the...
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    So Agape is not higher love than Phileo? What the heck?

    Growing up I've always learned or been taught that agape love is the highest form of love because it is divine and unconditional love. Phileo love is more like the maximum capacity humans are able to love which is like brotherly love. (Eros is romantic and Storge is familial). But recent...
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    Are they with Jesus now or asleep until he raise them later?

    Those who have passed away recently or long time ago.....are they with Jesus in heaven right now? Looking down on us? Or are they still in sleep and will be raised when Jesus returns? Often times we see in movies or hear in stories and interviews that so and so passed away and they are...
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    Is Selfishness the reason why we are marrying later and later these days?

    Today, women don't really need men. They are capable of supporting themselves as they have their own careers and many even more prosperous than men. Women, esp. in the biblical times needed a man for several reasons which I won't get into. So it seems to me now more than ever, if a man and...
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    If You Won The Lottery $30 million - Christian responsibility?

    A lot of Christians play the lottery and I don't think there is anything wrong with it because you are donating to Hospitals and Health care. Of course, if you become addicted and abuse it, then it's a problem, but $2 a week is fine. So let's say you won $30 million dollars (USD). As a...
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    Christian Leader, Pastor, Academic doesn't pray out loud.

    I was a bit shocked and surprised when we were all praying in a group for each other one person at a time walking around when this leader/pastor/academic/professor said to me he doesn't pray out loud. Of course silent prayers/head prayers are fine as long as they are genuine and sincere but to...
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    Do We Have to Forgive? What if I don't want to?

    Jesus teaches us that we should forgive others just as God has forgiven us. If we don't forgive others while God has forgiven you, then you will be going against God's teaching. So I was just wondering, do you think there are any situations or sins you feel like you can't forgive others for...