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  1. tobelieveinHim


    Hi! Does anyone like to make tofu? If so, how do you like to make it? I have been searching for alternative protein aside from beef that is filled with a lot of iron!
  2. tobelieveinHim

    Christmas Music. Sincerely Thread. Evil, or Not Evil ? When is too soon ? Are you the 3rd category of people everyone else thinks is annoying ?

    So, I'm not quite sure this belongs here, But I felt like it collaborated with the Halloween thread, the thread about Halloween. Christmas Music! There are some people who think Christmas music is evil, and then there are some people who think Christmas music is evil. If you are the third...
  3. tobelieveinHim

    There is no recovery for people with Serious Schizophrenia, or Bipolars 1 Disorders. Only Remission.

    Hi. I am 37 about to be 38. I have been going through this since I was 19, with a possible episode when I was 18. During the experience of a strong push towards a "recovery" model, It has had a detrimental impact on the most Seriously Ill, And the most vulnerable amung us. In short, There is...
  4. tobelieveinHim

    Christianity destroying personal relationships along with an illness that effects behavior.

    My Christianity I am being told is destroying my relationships, Topple that with I have a Serious Illness that affects behavior. I am being told again and again that it is my Christianity as to which in why people, Especially relationships, Don't want to be with me. I have had other...
  5. tobelieveinHim

    Hi. I don't know what else to say other than Hi.

    Hi. I don't know what else to say other than Hi. Um, I'm a Christian, Just a Christian, I have a Serious Mental Illness of Manic Depressive Insanity with Psychotic Features, Which is now called Bipolar 1 with Psychotic Features. I prefer being referred to as Manic Depressive. I have been a...