Search results

  1. GenemZ

    Why Some Can?

    Why do you think some have no problem believing God created the creation without evolution being needed? And, why do you think some find themselves unable to?
  2. GenemZ

    Adam and the "flesh.'

    I have been wondering..... Is the biblical word, 'Adam'? And, the biblical word, 'flesh'? "Sin- onymous" terms? :angel:
  3. GenemZ

    VPN use blocked

    My VPN is still being denied access with new update. I hate it when I must deactivate my online protection to access here. Can this be remedied? I do not have this problem with other cites. Is their good reason for having it that way?
  4. GenemZ

    Many want to be a disciple. But, of their own brand of Jesus...

    How can we follow Jesus unless someone teach us accurately? Because it is written: “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your...
  5. GenemZ

    How is it that witches organized to cast a spell on Donald Trump?

    How is it that witches organized to cast a spell on Donald Trump? But, no such thing for Joe Biden? It reveals who's side each man is on.
  6. GenemZ

    The Bee Explains: Main Differences Between Popular Bible Translations

    Excellent light hearted explanations ..... :amen: The Bee Explains: Main Differences Between Popular Bible Translations grace and peace.........
  7. GenemZ

    Confidence in Crisis....

    Some here will appreciate this. Some here will not appreciate this. Recorded messages by a pastor who taught from the Hebrew and Greek texts. Confidence in Crisis R. B. Thieme, Jr., Bible Ministries — MP3 Audio Specials (Choose the streaming option to listen)
  8. GenemZ

    What makes the Son different than the Father and the Holy Spirit?

    What makes the Holy Spirit different that the Father and the Son? What makes the Son different than the Father and the Holy Spirit? And... What makes the Father different than the Son and Holy Spirit? If they are all God (and, they are).. What distinguishes each from the other?
  9. GenemZ

    Putin is seething at Donald Trump about Syria. Good!

    There goes all the Russian collusion theories right down the drain! For, if there really was Russian collusion with Donald Trump? Putin would be blabbing it all over the world right now!
  10. GenemZ

    Is Satan behind the division of the many denominations we find? Or, is it the Lord?

    Is Satan behind the division of the many denominations that we find? Or, is it the Lord? Denominations that contradict one another, and claim inspiration from God. How can they be?
  11. GenemZ

    Sample of a Pastor who can teach Exegetically.

    The original teachers of the Church taught from the languages of the Bible, not a translation. Here is an example of what takes place when a pastor is a full time student of the original languages. Some things will not be readily understood if you are not familiar with the terms. ASK, and I...
  12. GenemZ

    Irresistible Grace question

    Irresistible Grace... What would happen to men if God did not use Irresistible Grace? Where would all people end up? Hell, or someplace else?
  13. GenemZ

    We might lose many members!

    I have been trying to access the forum for what seems a week, and kept getting an error page saying address does not exist. Problem was? My Favorites link was still... Once I tried Bingo! Many might not know what is happening. I thought the...
  14. GenemZ

    Find all posts by user deactivated?

    When you try and find all the posts by a given member, the following message pops up. Privacy statement in function, Searching has been disabled for this members's posts. It appears to be the same for everyone. Is there a way to be turned back on? .
  15. GenemZ

    New Movie for Christians to see!

    Everyone! This is too good! Ben Stein is a comic genius! ;)
  16. GenemZ

    Arminianism and Calvinism. Why only two options?

    There is life outside of Arminianism and Calvinism. Why is it that when someone tries to explain to Calvinists that some of their tenets may not be exactly correct? That they always accuse you of being an Arminianist? Then automatically shut the door and lock their minds? Even when...
  17. GenemZ

    Thank you for another great year!

    Everyone.... Moderators and members! I want to thank all my friends here in the forum for another year of stimulating challenges and growth in the Lord. This my small way of saying thank you! Grace and peace! GeneZ
  18. GenemZ

    Good church - But, bad pastor?

    Everyone..... I am looking for reports of good pastors... in good churches, but some in the congregation make him sound like he's the worst thing to stand behind a pulpit. I have witnessed to this myself, and it perplexes me. Can any one else to share such a thing? Has anyone else here...
  19. GenemZ

    Nicene Creed, please clarify

    I am not looking to debate the Nicene Creed. Nor, do I want others to debate the Creed. I am looking for those who grew up in churches who follow the Creed to explain what certain parts mean. Not only what they mean (which is usually stated in the Creed directly) - but to explain how...
  20. GenemZ

    Would have believed if given the chance...

    Hello... Do you believe that there are people in Hell, who if given a proper chance, would have believed? That, because they were never given a proper witness? Because of the neglect of some pathetic believer, this one ended up in Hell? Grace and peace, GeneZ