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  1. Joy


  2. Joy


    I for one am deeply saddened that some openly joke about those who speak about repentance. are there any others here who agree.
  3. Joy

    Teaching by Neil Anderson

    Does anyone read Neil Anderson books and if so please let us share things which encourage and help us. He says Many Christians are not living free and productive lives because they do not understand who they are in Christ. His emphasis is on a Truth encounter and not a power encounter
  4. Joy

    My Daily Devotions

    I am not consistent in my devotions the passage I read today. Romans 12:11-12 (EXB) 11 Do not be ·lazy but work hard [L lacking in zeal], Zeal means a strong feeling of interest and enthusiasm that makes someone very eager or determined to do something serving the Lord with...
  5. Joy

    Encourage One Another

    Hello Friends So glad to find you and looking forward to post most days and making some friends here. I look forward to meeting you
  6. Joy

    please help please

    You need to seek real life help
  7. Joy

    Being Prayerful

    I know from experience its easier to be at times to be a Christian without identifying with others in the Body of Christ. I have noticed how easy it is to discuss everything that is wrong with our Churches Bbut do we ever take the time to pray for our Church Leaders and to encourage them and...
  8. Joy

    New Here

    Hello My name is Karen I am Born Again and have over the years attended varying demoninations which has been good BUT have faced many challenges and in this season of my life I need to draw closer to Jesus so today, I attended a Ash Wednesday and Communion Service at my local Anglican Church...
  9. Joy

    A Challenge (No debate)

    A dear friend sent me a wonderful gift, a workbook which allows one to review one's Relationship with God. I have been challenged by the following The author said what attracted him to the Spirit-filled life was the strong sense of the reality of God and the possibility of knowing God...
  10. Joy

    Something God showed me clearly today

    I must confess I struggle with loneliness and wonder how many others Christians experience this. I kept waking in the night thinking about this. We know God has promised to be with always. But how does this truth become a reality in our lives? Well, I believe God spoke to me through reading an...
  11. Joy

    The Lord is Risen

    Jesus is Risen May we know and experience Jesus and His Living power every day
  12. Joy

    please pray

    In bad way
  13. Joy

    God wants us to know

    God Loves us and wants to change us. But how many of us are disheartened and discouraged and have lost hope that things will ever change in our lives. This is because we are in a battle and John 10:10a says The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy and he does this by sowing doubt and...
  14. Joy

    What are you thankful for?

    I know many here are discouraged by various issues. But this morning I became aware of how we need to encourage each other to be thankful and appreciate what's good here and not be consumed by everything that is bad. I am thankful for this place. Thank you Erwin for providing this forurm...
  15. Joy

    Information on Recent Changes

    Erwin's Announcement: On July 7, 2007, Dr. Erwin Loh, Owner of Christian Forums, announced that a great new era in the site was about to begin. We, the Membership of Christian Forums, are now responsible for the development and implementation of all rules both for the entire site and in each sub...
  16. Joy

    Member Participation in Discussion of New Rules

    Erwin's Announcement: On July 7, 2007, Dr. Erwin Loh, Owner of Christian Forums, announced that a great new era in the site was about to begin. We, the Membership of Christian Forums, are now responsible for the development and implementation of all rules both for the entire site and in each sub...
  17. Joy

    Member Participation in Discussion of New Rules

    Erwin's Announcement: On July 7, 2007, Dr. Erwin Loh, Owner of Christian Forums, announced that a great new era in the site was about to begin. We, the Membership of Christian Forums, are now responsible for the development and implementation of all rules both for the entire site and in each sub...
  18. Joy

    Member Participation in Discussion of New Rules

    Membership Participation in the Development and Implementation of New Rules On July 7, 2007, Dr. Erwin Loh, Owner of Christian Forums, announced that a great new era in the site was about to begin. We, the Membership of Christian Forums, are now responsible for the development and...
  19. Joy

    Member Participation in Discussion of New Rules

    Membership Participation in the Development and Implementation of New Rules On July 7, 2007, Dr. Erwin Loh, Owner of Christian Forums, announced that a great new era in the site was about to begin. We, the Membership of Christian Forums, are now responsible for the development and...
  20. Joy

    Member Participation in Discussion of New Rules

    Membership Participation in the Development and Implementation of New Rules On July 7, 2007, Dr. Erwin Loh, Owner of Christian Forums, announced that a great new era in the site was about to begin. We, the Membership of Christian Forums, are now responsible for the development and...