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  1. K

    how do i know if god answers my prayers (not me)

    this kind of relates 2 my autism/unknowingly took mark/salvation- saved post since these 'spiritual events' have occured this yr - just 1 yr after unknowingly taking the i've said, i've never been able 2 recognize god's answer's, so i'm wondering if these could be...these all...
  2. K

    autism & mark of beast

    i'll try 2 make this short ---i'm an adult christian believer w' asperger's (possibly more) that is unable 2 recognize god's voice, presence, answers, signs or even warning signs in general (except rarely after the fact...i can only understand the literal parts of the bible & not even all of...
  3. K

    a heisitant hello from an autistic

    My name is Erika Robinson & yes, as u can c from my title, i have autism...i was officially diagnosed w' asperger's, but some of my side effects don't fit in, so i think i may have some asd mixed in...i don't attend church (cuz the lights, crowd, noise, etc overwhelms me) & i can only understand...