Search results

  1. ChristLivesInMe

    Autism Advocate - New Zealand

    Hello everyone My name is Josh. I'm 20 and was formally diagnosed with autism around the age of 17. Up until 17 there was a lot of difficulty deciding if I had autism or not or if I had a mental illness instead. Different disorders were brought up. In the end, after seeing a lot of...
  2. ChristLivesInMe

    Court Anxiety

    Hello everyone. Been a while since I last posted. I'm doing a bit better but my mind is really hurting my mental health. To fill you in, I was released from prison after spending 4 months inside in June last year. It was during Covid-19 Lockdown here in New Zealand and I had no bail address...
  3. ChristLivesInMe

    Attack of the Anxiety Monster

    Hello I'm super anxious. As I'm writing this, I'm in hospital waiting to have surgery. I've never had surgery before. I'm 20 and I'm worried about how the feeling of falling asleep feels. I also am super anxious because I like a girl but she has a boyfriend and I talk too much to her on...
  4. ChristLivesInMe

    Earth - Game Development

    Hello all So I'm thinking about making a game. I'm currently self-teaching myself on a certain game engine. What I am planning is to make a 2D Top-down game. Sort of like how Stardew Valley is made if you've ever played that. Probably no-where near being as great as that game though. So if I've...
  5. ChristLivesInMe

    Satan Controls My Mind

    Hello So for a few years I've daydreamed about a topic I've never told anyone about. I've never thought anything of it but it could mean something. I have daydreamed a lot about Satan invading my body and through me comes the beginning of the end times. I see Satan as myself pulling the life...
  6. ChristLivesInMe

    Hello - Returning Member

    Hello I am a returning member after being away for quite some time. I created a new account. I've been struggling in my faith. I do definitely believe in God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit and have believed in them for my entire life which is now just over 20 years. I got a free new...