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  1. Natto

    swirling suicide thought

    I've been having some suicidal thoughts or feelings swirling in my head lately. I didn't marry my girlfriend when I was twenty, so I didn't have kids. , now forties. No children, no marriage, I constantly questioned the value of my existence. Not having kids is probably the biggest reason why I...
  2. Natto

    Capble of communication through Eletromagentic wave from brain which cause great interference to others

    親愛的在線兄弟姐妹 這是非常緊急的事情,請為我祈禱 不知道是不是我的電磁波太強了。我召喚的任何人似乎都可以加入我的在線實時聊天,他們受了很多苦。 他們就是日復一日地睡不著。這是一種痛苦。我的骯髒和不尊重的形像在我的大腦中同時傳輸到他們的大腦中,這傷害了我的家人、親戚、兄弟的感情。 希望有超過一百人在網上受苦。請不斷地為我祈禱。請讓他們解除一些電磁波干擾,讓他們好好休息一下。。我奉行耶穌的名譽祈禱。阿門
  3. Natto

    Prayer for not beating crop out of neighbors.

    I am not quite sure how to explain that in English, but I try. Perhaps my other family member might makes some irritating noise sometimes. I just do not like attitude or provocative speech to deliver by those people trying to pick up or stir up a fight? Swear words? Wanna join a fight? One time...
  4. Natto

    Prayer For Deliverance From Adulterous And Immorality thought online

    In my many years of failing Christian life, you have helped me many times. When I smoked in college, went to nightclubs, and suffered from drug addiction, you helped me get rid of the addiction. When I was about to drop out of college on the verge of being suspended from school, I know I was...
  5. Natto

    prayer for my country

    Recently Maginot Line of Taiwan has just crushed as the pandemic sweep across the island ruthlessly It's not the first time we had encountered outbreak of Covid19, but we somehow always get away it by combination of luck, tracing back, and identifying source of infection. Until Covid...
  6. Natto

    where else do we go after departure?

    Hi, Dear online brothers and sisters Is 144,000 the only number of enrollment into gate of heaven? If the enrollment of heaven is limited to 144,000 back then, shouldn't it expand accordingly with exponentially growth of mankind now ? Where else do majority of chosen one, Christians go, if...
  7. Natto

    How to fix intermediate-low faith in words of Bible

    Dear brothers and sisters, How do you strengthen your faith and walk with words of Bible. I am not completely believer of Bible , always picking up whatever verse I would like to believe and disregarding verse that I think it's unreasonable or any verses that contrary to my reasonable logic...
  8. Natto

    perspectives on Euthanasia

    If a Christian try to go through living hell caused by cancer in last stage and moment of the life and every moment of torture gone by is just like a century , his body is just like soul-crushing battlefield , and he live through nightmare and a living hell, would that be alright for him to...
  9. Natto

    Looking for the source of Biblical scripture...

    Dear online brother and sisters.. I haven't been to church probably for more than 15 years and haven't study ever since then ..But I remember back then while I was in a church. I ever read a scripture ,which capture my attention, and its verse might something go like this. From myback then...