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  1. Cross Over the Lake

    FOTF - Lysa Trerkeurst, Finding Strength in the Midst of Dissapointment

    I just listened to this broadcast from FOTF with Lysa Terkeurst. Great video that talks about infidelity and adultery and the effects it has on the marriage. As a divorced guy I see how amazing God is in relationships and how He wants to SAVE marriages. After listening to Lysa’s adversity it...
  2. Cross Over the Lake

    Quiet time?

    So in this one I want to tap into quiet time. That time that you put aside everyday for prayer and to read the Bible. So basically I was wondering who does this, what does your routine look like?
  3. Cross Over the Lake

    Hump Day!!!

    I hope and pray everyone has a great awesome day!!! Don’t forget everything is downhill from here!!
  4. Cross Over the Lake

    Career Driven!

    What are some things you are doing to further your career? I have been a Certified Nursing assistant since 2013 and I am FINALLY going back to school for the LPN to RN program. Starting school next week. At 35 I’m a little nervous going back, but I got this! God is great!
  5. Cross Over the Lake

    I’m in a Bible reading slump.

    I’ve been in a real slump. I know I need to get back into God’s word I’m struggling finding inspiration even after praying for it. I read the Bible of course in Church but a I can’t seem to find the motivation to pick it up while I’m at home. Anyone have similar problems and if so what have you...
  6. Cross Over the Lake

    Respecting their elders?

    Do you think today’s youth are being raised with the idea to respect their elders. I remember growing up being taught that. Even with old cousins I was taught to respect that they were older and follow their direction. Not in a lifestyle sense, but if I was acting up they could almost direct me...
  7. Cross Over the Lake

    Let’s revive the Face the Board!!!

    I know you’re out there!!! Let’s see who all is going into 2020 single!!! Show of hands!!!
  8. Cross Over the Lake

    Being Anti-secular?

    So my question is about being anti-secular when it comes to entertainment. I met someone who is so anti-secular when it comes to the entertainment industries. Only listens to Christian music, only watches faith based films, reads books only by Christian authors etc. I wonder how many other...
  9. Cross Over the Lake

    Intermittent Fasting (Thoughts?)

    The last year or so I have dabbled with intermittent fasting for weight control and health reasons. I know that fasting is also a religious practice although I have never practiced fasting as a Christian. What are your experiences with it? Good or bad?