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  1. Trayalc

    (NSFW) When/how to confess to past sexual sin while dating?

    I've been dating a young Christian woman for a couple of months now. When/how should the topic of past sexual sin come up? Is it still too early? Have I waited too long already? The sexual sin in my past consists of (1) pornography and (2) some sexual activity in one past relationship (though...
  2. Trayalc

    Thoughts on a 26 year old dating a 18 year old?

    Hey y'all, been a while since I've posted. It's good to be back. Let's cut to the chase: I'm 26 years old, and recently I've had more opportunities to talk to an 18 year old young woman at my church. There seems to be a spark there. Normally I would avoid such an age group, but I have found her...
  3. Trayalc

    Should I not date anyone if I've had a recent porn problem?

    I've had a long history with porn. I was first exposed around 12 or 13 y/o, and it has remained to varying degrees throughout the years (I am 24 now). Admittedly, I have only recently began to seek help and address it. I have been using Covenant Eyes since November 2021, and I have my best...
  4. Trayalc

    Asking for prayer - corrupted thoughts and feelings

    Hey everyone, I am in need of some prayer right now, if you would. Lately, I've been struggling with envy, hatred, and covetousness. I've been looking down on others, especially other Christians. I think it certainly has to do with my own insecurities. I don't know why, but I seem to be...
  5. Trayalc

    Unequally Yoked (2 Corinthians 6:14)

    In an article I just read which defends interfaith marriages (Why "Marrying Unbelievers" Can Work | HuffPost), the author takes 2 Corinthians 6:14, points out the wording of "unequally yoked with unbelievers", and asks "Can someone be equally yoked with an unbeliever?" This was an interesting...
  6. Trayalc

    Update: Breakup - Wrestling with Depression

    Hey everyone. I feel embarrassed to still be posting about this relationship and breakup that I had, but I honestly am still struggling with it all. This is going to be a long, long post, just to warn you. It has still a very rough road for the past month, and that, I think, is largely because...
  7. Trayalc

    Breakup - Devastated and Discouraged

    Back towards the beginning of January, I broke up with my girlfriend. She was a nonbeliever when we started dating, but thankfully God spoke to her through me and other means, and she is now a Christian. I thought she’d change her old lifestyle. I was partially right — only in that she’d do it...
  8. Trayalc

    “God, show me how close you are”

    This morning I read a devotional that encouraged its readers, in times of trouble, to ask God to reveal how close He is. I prayed that prayer this morning, and then on my way to work saw this: The fullest rainbow I’ve seen in a while. I can’t help but feel like this is an answered prayer!
  9. Trayalc

    Please pray for her and me

    A while back, I asked you guys for prayers regarding a relationship that I ended. She and I had dated around 5 months, and I've prayed every day since then for her and for us. Gradually, over time as I prayed these prayers, the situation started to become more restricting. Circumstance after...
  10. Trayalc

    God blocking the way vs. Satan blocking the way

    In I Thessalonians 2:18, Paul says that Satan has blocked his path from being able to visit the Thessalonians. On the other hand, Luke says in Acts 16:6-10 that it was the Holy Spirit that blocked Paul’s path to Asia. My question is, are we able to tell who exactly is blocking our path in...
  11. Trayalc

    Anyone try praying through the entire night like Jesus did?

    I came across Luke 6:12 not too long ago, and it stuck out to me. Jesus went and prayed for an entire night?? I was inspired to try this, but, starting at around 11pm, I could only make it to 1am. It is incredibly hard. Has anyone tried this? I guess we could look at this as a form of fasting...
  12. Trayalc

    King of Glory by Passion

    This is a song that was released on December 30th, 2019, and I was introduced to it by attending the Passion conference the very next day! Its lyrics and upbeat nature really improve my mood when I listen to it if I'm down. Hope you all love it as much as I do!
  13. Trayalc

    A Question on Marriage and God’s Will

    So I used to believe that God didn’t care who we married, as long as we glorified God with our relationship. But William Lane Craig changed my mind on that. Who we marry has enormous impacts on the future, such as who your progeny will be. How on earth could it just not matter to God? Now I...
  14. Trayalc

    Does God speak through circumstances? Has it happened to you?

    For instance, if doors seem to keep closing on something you wanted in life, would you consider that maybe God is saying "no" to that thing? To what extent do you think God speaks through circumstances, if He does? What scripture supports your answer?
  15. Trayalc

    Help! God's will vs. Parents' will

    Hi everyone. Back in May of this year, I graduated college and moved back in with my parents. It's obviously a blessing to be able to live with them, but it's also been quite difficult transitioning from freedom of college to back under the parents' roof. My parents, I would say, would be best...
  16. Trayalc

    I feel broken - please pray for me

    I am in need of prayer right now. My heart is broken, and I am just facing so much confusion, discouragement, and loneliness. I've acted nasty to those closest to me, stemming from pent-up jealousy and anger. I really feel as if there's no one but God that I can go to, but even then I oftentimes...
  17. Trayalc

    Should you tell your significant other if you've been sexually active in the past?

    I never thought I'd have to admit that I engaged in some sexual activity before marriage, but here I am. I unfortunately did it, although not the full way. As I think about pursuing future relationships, I often wonder whether I should share that with whoever it is that I date in the future...
  18. Trayalc

    How do we approach brothers and sisters in Christ who boast of their sin?

    Throughout college, I was part of the leadership team for a Christian college ministry. To preface this, I certainly don't mean to sound judgmental in this post. I am a sinner too, obviously. But I've noticed there were quite a few people on that leadership team who would go out in public to get...
  19. Trayalc

    God saw how sad I have been, and He spoke

    Recently, I let go of someone I care about. I had helped lead her to become a Christian, which I am so thankful for. But as our relationship went on, I started having my own doubts about us. When I sought godly counsel about this, the majority of friends, families, and mentors thought I should...
  20. Trayalc

    Personal Experience & Question on Free Will

    I recently had to make a very difficult decision in my life, and as I look at everything leading up to the decision in retrospect, I find myself intrigued by God's part in the decision. It made me think up a model of how God values our free will, but I wanted to discuss it here to see if you all...