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    Grew up with heroin addict mother.

    Hey all... First off yes I gave been trying to find a counselor for months it's harder than you think... Okay, so from about age 14 until about 25 my mom was a heroin addict. She dealt drugs and also did meth and crack, and I'm pretty sure I have PTSD now. I moved out and got married last...
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    Help! I’m getting spiritually attacked AT church

    Why is this happening? I attend two different churches and at one of them I’ve been getting spiritually attacked, so has my sister. We both got attacked the same day. Looking back on it, it’s happened a lot. I didn’t sense it was the devil trying to hinder me, but I sense it’s more so a sin of...
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    Please pray for me to stay sober.

    This is taking a lot of courage for me to post this...It’s been a rough road dealing with alcoholism. When I first got saved God gave me incredible power to abstain for months until really bad tribulations hit me. Then I dug myself into a dark hole for months. I know God won’t give up on the...
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    God is teaching me about myself. Is this normal?

    hi everyone, I have been a born again Christian for about a year now. God is teaching me about myself in ways I didn’t think were possible. He’s changing my mind. The way I think. I used to hate myself and since he showed me his grace those thoughts almost completely stopped. He made me...
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    Need to fulfill Gods plan for me, in bad relationship

    help I am in a very complicated situation. I was dating my boyfriend before I was saved. He has been disrespectful and controlling and verbally abusive. We live together as well. I need the strength to help fulfill Gods will since I am not suppose to be with him. Please pray that God will help...
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    I feel weak

    I thought I was doing good and abstaining from certain sins. I know no one is perfect and we all sin. This week it's been so hard for me and I finally caved into a certain sin yesterday and today. It's stressing me out because it's been a long time since I have done these things. I am really...
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    New Christian, advice on anger?

    Hello everyone. When I first got saved I had a lot of fruits of the spirit but I feel like they are withering. I was very patient and peaceful for months. Now it's like the past is coming back to me. I forgave people for certain things but sometimes I focus on it a lot. I feel angry and short...
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    Question about the fall of man

    hey I've been thinking about this for awhile I need some input. When God created the universe he said everything was good. After Adam and Eve sinned then death and sin entered the world. So I'm wondering, before that did lions have to hunt? We're there mosquitoes who fed off of them? We're...
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    I really need advice

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    I Don't Know if I fear God enough

    Hi everyone. I just became born again a few months ago. I don't think I fear God enough also I am not even sure what it means. Does it mean to fear his judgment? In that case I am scared of facing him and I also fear for others judgement. How do I fear him more though? What does it mean to fear...
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    Please Pray for my Boyfriend

    please pray for my boyfriend and his family. He lost his mother and little sister earlier this year and it has been really painful for him and his family. Today is not a good day. Also please pray for his salvation. Thank you everyone
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    How to tell if the enemy is attacking you?

    are there ways to be certain when the enemy is attacking you? For awhile I was feeling condemned but luckily God opened my eyes to that. I have also had a few scary experiences with the enemy after being saved but sometimes I think he's trying to out wit me and make it harder to detect. Any...
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    Does anyone else have days when they feel far from God?

    hello everyone, I have became born again a couple months ago. I want to start off saying that I know God will never leave me and that his spirit dwells within me. However sometimes I have days when I feel far from him and like our connection is hindered in a way. I know sin, not reading the...
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    "The Bible is just a collection of borrowed stories"

    hello everyone, I became a born again Christian a few month ago. I am struggling with something at the moment. I came across a post that had information about how there were many stories like the ones in the Bible before it was written. Basically it said the Bible is plagiarism. I believe the...
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    Bible and feeling uncomfortable?

    hello, I apologize if this doesn't belong here but I'm new. I just got saved in may it was amazing. So my Christian journey has just begun. I sometimes feel uncomfortable with some parts of the Bible. Is this normal? I know with some things I just misinterpreted it and or didn't fully...
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    I'm confused about Heaven: help!

    hello everyone, I just became a born again Christian on may 7th. It was the best day of my life. I was reading revelations and I think my idea of Heaven was wrong please help. From my understanding if we die before the second coming we go to Heaven for a little bit then get a new body, after...