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  1. E

    Matthew 7:13-14 and evangelizing

    Lately, I've been struggling with the teaching in scripture that most of humanity will not be saved, and it honestly makes me want to give up.....if most of humanity is going to hell, then why should we spread the gospel or evangelize? If God already knows how many people are going to be saved...
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    Not sure if my grandmother is in Heaven

    Hi all, feel free toremove if in the wrong spot. Four years ago on the 14th, my grandmother, whom I loved very much, passed away. She also died in a time when I was away from God and I lament not being a better witness to her while she was alive. My mother's best friend, who has been my mom's...
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    Worried about deceased loved ones...

    Hi all, guess I'll post this here, feel free to redirect if not in the right place... So, if anyone on here knows my story, I was really "on it" with God in the beginning of my walk, but ended up making some mistakes thinking I was doing what He was asking of me when He wasn't and ended up...
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    Had a dream....could it have been from God?

    Ok, so I know dreams are kind of an "iffy" area in theology, so keeping that in mind here. Four years ago, right before Christmas in 2019, I lost my grandmother, whom I was very close to, to a sudden illness, she was 88. That was during a time in my life when I wasn't walking with God, and...
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    Telling God you'll do something for Him

    Hi all. This is a topic that I'm really interested in discussing, as it's been on my mind a lot today lately... When I first became a Christian, one of the things I was really hyperfixated on was not being a hypocrite because of a specific ministry I believed God had called me to. I knew that...
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    I am afraid to return to God...

    Hi everyone... I was hoping someone could help me, because I'm in a bad spot right now....long story short, I walked away from God in 2015 after some really traumatic things happened to me right after I got saved that were mostly my fault. It was awful to have the things happen to me that did...
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    End Times Anxiety, how do I deal with it?

    From my earliest days as a Believer, I've had horrible anxiety about the End Times that I've never been able to get a handle on, and it's only increased in the last few years with everything that's been going on...I believe it is imminent and we are closer to it than ever. I think a lot of it...
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    God is a trauma for me....or is it something else?

    A little background about me....I first started posting on these forums around mid-late 2013 or so under a different account that has long since been deactivated and this coincided with the beginning of my Christian journey. I wont say what my old screenname was, but those who have been on this...
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    Any Believers struggle with C-PTSD?

    I started doing faith based counseling in 2021 and was diagnosed with C-PTSD shortly afterward. Getting this diagnosis was a HUGE blessing, as it allowed me to not only get the help I very badly needed, but it also gave a name to what it was I'd been dealing with for most of my life and showed...
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    Reintroducing myself

    So, I'm coming back to these forums for the first time since 2017 or 2018. A lot has changed in my life since then for the positive and I'm in a much, much better place mentally than I was all those years ago. Glad to be back!
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    Finally know what's going on/correct diagnosis

    Avoidant Personality Disorder, and it's likely I've had it all my life. I was diagnosed with anxiety/social phobia/depression when I was very young and back in 2017, PTSD from a combination of childhood emotional/physical abuse as well as spiritual abuse from a church I was in for two years...
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    Just some things on my mind...

    Well, I'm happy to say that as of today, I think just a little bit of progress has been made in this whole messy situation that I've found myself in the last few years. Today as I was alone and just thinking over things the way I often do, I had this sudden realize that, despite all that has...
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    I just need to vent.

    The title of this post speaks for itself. I just need to vent someplace and have felt like exploding all week. I've posted a lot about my own personal story on here and how I messed up and missed the plan that God had for me four years ago and in the process forfeited everything I wanted from...
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    I think I know what the problem is...

    First of all, I want to thank everyone on this website for the help they've given me over the years. It's nice to have a place that I can go to and vent anonymously about different things and I apologize if I've ever been a pain. You all are wonderful... For those who know the things I post...
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    Something interesting yet slightly disturbing about Sodom and Gomorrah

    I had a random realization about something in this particular part of scripture the other day that I thought I'd post here. While I know it is truthful, it is to a degree disturbing to even myself. Contrary to what a lot of people try to argue, the Sin of Sodom and Gomorrah was not failure to...
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    A letter to my ex pastor

    My former pastor, who is also a relative of mine, was at a family gathering yesterday and when she snottily aske me why I avoid her, I decided to go home and write her this letter calling her out on how she treated me when I was going to her and her husband's church. It's only about half of what...
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    I feel betrayed by God

    Hi everyone. I'm sorry to be making yet another negative post on here. I finally feel like I'm able to open up about this to people and not be afraid of being judged or talked down to. It's also the first time I've felt like I've understood the cause of at least some of my anger toward God...
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    A small prayer request, but causing me high anxiety

    deleted post
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    Is this a move I should make?

    Hi all. I'm struggling with a decision that I've had to make recently and would like to know if what I am choosing to do is something that God would allow or is possibly leading me to do. Back in May of 2018, I made the decision to leave the university I was attending for multiple reasons...the...