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  1. eleos1954

    Please pray for my friend

    Please pray for my friend Marlene .... a couple weeks ago she was airlifted to a hospital and it was determined she had a brain tumor. She had surgery and it was successful ... she is at home recuperating .... now it has been determined she has several tumors and will be starting chemotherapy...
  2. eleos1954

    UFO's - Extraterrestrials

    Wasn't' sure were to post this .... so if there is a more appropriate place ... please move it. Lately there have been some reports about UFO's and Extraterrestrials as being very real and for quite some time, but kept secrete. The in depth reports I have found .... have mostly been from...
  3. eleos1954

    Lets brainstorm about government oppression and what can be done about it

    Government assistance is not working .... what can be done about it? What are your ideas? There is this .... Living Wage Calculator Living wage An analysis of the living wage (as calculated in December 2022 and reflecting a compensation being offered to an individual in 2023), compiling...
  4. eleos1954

    Please pray for my son

    Please pray for my son Aaron, he is going through major difficulties and is very depressed ... please pray the Lord to give him peace and reveal to him how he should move forward with his life.
  5. eleos1954

    Pray for us Please

    My son has a situation pending that could affect both our lives negatively …. Please pray the Lord will intervene and help us.
  6. eleos1954

    Sabbath, Mark of the Beast, Ellen White

    I found the following below posted in the Catholic Forum .... because of a "flaming rule" there is no other place really that this can be safely talked about .... non the less .... it should be discussed. I found this great little summary of errors of Seventh Day Adventism. This sect of...
  7. eleos1954

    Pray for Baby Olivia

    Please pray for baby Olivia who was born prematurely (only 3 lbs) ... she is gaining weight but also has some other complications and will need surgery when she is strong enough to endure it.
  8. eleos1954

    New World Order

    So there is this idea of a new world order (global) .... that includes direction and leadership by who exactly? It appears to me to be 2 "entities" ..... secular persons who are appointed (not elected) and appointed by who? and then also the pope? Are you for or against this and why?
  9. eleos1954

    1,000 years in heaven - Millennium

    Is the belief of the 1,000 year millennium (being spent in heaven) always been the historical interpretation (since the reformation) ... or is it unique to 7th day adventists? Thanks.
  10. eleos1954

    God's Laws - The 10 Commandments & Law of Moses

    There are varying beliefs regarding the laws ... some say the 10 Commandments are no longer in effect and are replaced by grace and faith. Some say the laws were for the Jews only. Some say they are eternal and everlasting. This thread is intended to discuss the laws of God and what is ... or...
  11. eleos1954

    The word soul (usage & meaning)

    The word soul. Opening this thread for the purpose of discussing the word soul and it's usage and meaning in both the OT and the NT. It will be necessary to use the Hebrew and Greek lexicons as the english language does not adequately provide the depth of meaning. Available for free use here...
  12. eleos1954


    This is a "carry over" from a post ... that got off topic Genesis 9:3 There are some that say there are certain foods one can or can not eat. The question is: Will God with hold salvation based on what we eat? I am of the belief that the dietary references are a health message .... not a...
  13. eleos1954

    Nations - Revelation

    so have been pondering these verses ... ie the nations Revelation 7:9 After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm...
  14. eleos1954

    Time is an illusion

    So there is this theory/concept that time is an illusion .... have been reading about it a bit. (you can google it) so... am curious .... IF true how does that impact your current beliefs in regard to formation of the universe (regardless what that is)? I'm not saying true or false .... I'm...
  15. eleos1954

    No sin in heaven nor the new earth

    Revelation 21:27 – Nothing unclean will ever enter it [Kingdom of Heaven], nor anyone who does what is detestable or false, but only those who are written in the Lamb’s book of life so there is not any sin in heaven nor will there be on the new earth ... How is this accomplished yet freewill...
  16. eleos1954

    God's Glory

    Scripture says God created us for His glory (Isa. 43:7) and instructs us to “do everything for the glory of God” (1 Cor. 10:31). ... To glorify God is not to bestow glory on God or add to His glory, but to recognize and acknowledge His glory. Also says we will be glorified at His return. ok...
  17. eleos1954

    Interesting Youtube Movie

  18. eleos1954

    Matthew 19:23

    Berean Study Bible Then Jesus said to His disciples, “Truly I tell you, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. There are approximately 328.2 million (2019) people residing in the US. There are approximately 614 billionaires in the US Suppose they all kicked in a gave every...
  19. eleos1954

    Survival of the Fittess/Fitter

    Have a article here .... was doing some research on the term "survival of the fittest" and this was one that came up .... would like peoples opinions/comments AFTER reading this article. What did you find most striking about the article? Link to article: survival of the fittest | Definition...
  20. eleos1954

    Please pray for a safe journey

    Am moving a long way away and ask the Lord to keep both me and my son safe during our journey pulling our cargo. Please pray we have a safe journey. Thank you Jesus.