Search results

  1. Blessed Each Day

    Good Creationist Biological/Biochemistry/Genetics Reading?

    Can someone well-versed in the science of creationism provide me with a good reading(s) to combat common evolutionist claims? I stumbled across this site CCC No. 3: "Horizontal Evolution vs. Vertical Evolution" – Jack Scanlan which is basically some kid saying something to combat creationist...
  2. Blessed Each Day

    Charitable Online Math Tutoring

    Hi everybody! My name is Justin, and I'm still relatively new here so this will probably get moved. I run a (primarily) online math tutoring company, and while everyday is a work day, I still have time in between all of it to give back. I donate when I can, but I feel a calling to give back more...
  3. Blessed Each Day

    Favorite type of workout/lift?

    This could be full routines, isolation/compound lifts, or anything that gets your heart pumping. For me, it's a tie between pull-ups and heavy bag work, but deadlifts and squats are a close second/third. What about y'all?
  4. Blessed Each Day

    Charitable Online Math Tutoring

    Hi everybody, I posted this somewhere else earlier today, as I just joined. I wanted to dive deeper into my faith, and I also want to help others. I give when I can to food banks, but monetary donations don't cut it when I can also offer my time. I run an online math tutoring company, and I have...
  5. Blessed Each Day

    Hello to all!

    Hi everyone, I've been looking for a way to reach out to other Christians and converse as I have yet to find a good church near me, so I'm glad I found his forum. God bless! Kind regards, Justin