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  1. E

    Sports Team Request

    This is a bit of a silly request but please pray for my favorite sports team Arsenal. I pray that they win the Premiere League this year. I pray for a miracle for us to win it and I believe in miracles
  2. E

    Is it okay to go to a church with a female pastor?

    Is it okay to go to a church with a female pastor? A while back I left my old church where I grew up because I didn't feel my relationship with God was growing. I would often show up every Sunday because I was being forced to my family and it made me hate church and God at the time. Also, I...
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    Please Pray for Me

    Hi all. So I need prayer for some things that I am going through right now. First off, I just graduated college with a Bachelor of Science in Education so I'm really happy about that. Now graduate school is next. I'm currently in the search for my first postgraduate job. I applied to 7 jobs...
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    Date help....

    So there is this girl that I'm interested in in my Human development class. Originally I saw her on the train a while back and I thought she was extremely pretty, and being around her makes me so nervous now the more I think about her. I messed up my chance to approach her in class, so I had...
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    How do I approach a girl I'm interested in?

    So I am a junior in college right now, I'm majoring in Kinesiology and Health. I often take the train to school because I commute and I have been ever since freshman year. While I was on the train one day, I recall seeing this girl who I thought was very attractive. I didn't approach her because...
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    What should I do now?

    This is probably going to be a fairly long post, and there is a lot of things that are on my mind about this topic so I do apologize in advance if my ideas seem to be all over the place. I'll try and start from the beginning. So, there is this girl that I've had feelings for, for a very long...
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    Right Person/Wrong Time

    I feel like I've met someone who I really like and connect with but it's not the time for us to date just yet. We both need to get a few things in order. Are there any people who share a similar situation and can maybe give me some advice as to what I can do?
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    I need some advice...

    Hey again, I hope everything is well with you all today. A few months back, I went on 2 dates with this girl from my church and we really had a good time. Our first date was to the movies, and for our 2nd date we went out to dinner. Our 3rd date is where I'm having trouble. Recently she's been...
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    How did you know you were in love? What do you consider love is?

    How did you know you were in love? What do you consider love is?
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    I need some help...

    Hello, I've made s few posts in this thread before and you all probably already know my story. I've been going on dates with this girl for some time I think it's going well even though we are kind of in a rough spot right now (Pray for us) but that's not was this is about. On our 2nd date we...
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    Explaining to my crush about my personality...

    So there is this girl that I've been going on dates with for the past 2 months now. We've been getting to know each other pretty well, and we have shared alot of deep things that I didn't know. We went in a dinner date to Red Lobster yesterday, and we had a really good time and shared with her a...
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    I just had my first date with my crush

    So on Friday, I hate my first date ever with my a girl that I like who goes to my church. We've been friends for a while, and I have liked her for over 2 years now so me taking her out after all this time was very special for me, and her as well since we are both very new to this whole...
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    Clearing some things up...

    So earlier I made a thread about how the girl I asked out wasn't interested in me and changed up the date on me. It turns out that wasn't correct. I decided to talk to her about what was going on and she told me the reason why she switched up was because she thought that I wasn't interested in...
  14. E

    How do I move on?

    So it turns out my crush doesn't want to go with me to the movies anymore because she said I was making to many excuses as to why we couldn't go. I mean, my car broke down (I explained that to her) and I have no way to pick her up so I don't see that as an excuse. Even if it was that was really...
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    What are tips for a first date?

    I'm going on my first date ever to the movies pretty soon and I'm a bit nervous. I know it's going to be so awkward, but what are some tips to help me get through. God Bless :)
  16. E

    How do I not be afriad to open up?

    There's this girl who I like at church and she somewhat likes me back as well. We have an upcoming movie date soon. This just information, but if you have any other questions just ask and I'll answer. So I am very introverted and a bit shy as well. I don't have hardly any friends maybe like 1...
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    Asking a girl out to the movies?

    So I'm going to ask the girl I like out to the movies. What are tips and ways to do it?
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    I called my crush today and it felt great

    I recently asked for advice on here about talking to my crush on the phone and it went orrtty well. But this is just some backstory so everything can make sense. There is this girl that I have liked for a while, and I always used to get nervous around her because I'm a very shy type of guy...
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    What is God trying to show me?

    First of all, I'm very sorry if I keep making posts on this subreddit. I can assure this will be my last post here for some time, I'm just new to the whole "boy/girl" thing, since I'm very introverted, and keep to myself a lot. This is the reason why, I come here for to get advice from other...
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    What does she want me to talk to her even though I'm nervous?

    This is kind of a continuation of a previous post here. I promise I won't spam, but I'm very new to this whole dating and relationships sort of thing, so I often need alot of advice. For some backstory, there's this girl I like...