Search results

  1. P

    Christian Entertainment

    Hey. I was wondering if anyone knew of any films/tv series/games/books/music etc that has christian elements to them, but not too preachy if you know what I mean. More subtle.
  2. P

    Living on nothing.

    I was just wondering if anyone has had experience on living off next to nothing? Possibly living in a tent or something, Jesus didn't have luxuries and so forth, so wanted to follow his footsteps. Anyone think this would be good?
  3. P

    Recommended Christian Movies!

    Hey all, i'm looking for some Christian films to get, I was hoping for something either lightly inspired by Christianity, or heavily but still entertaining to watch. Like Passion for example, or Hacksaw Ridge. To save opening up another thread, T.V series' are cool too if you know any! Peace.
  4. P

    Work from Home

    Hello, I am currently trying to find ways to earn a small amount working from home, any income would be good. Does anyone know of any places that provide this?
  5. P

    Looking for a Christian game to play on Steam/PC

    Hey, i'm looking for a Christian based game to play on Steam or with Christian themes. Anyone know of any?
  6. P

    Trying hard.

    Hello everyone. I am currently living in a caravan to get away from everything as the past 5 years have been very rough for me, I am a recovering alcoholic. I have tried everything to get rid of this thing. Done a lot of things i'm not proud of. I have never intentionally hurt anyone though...
  7. P

    New Journey

    I am just about to become homeless, I have just over £23,000 saved up and want to do the right thing with it. I find it hard in this town for find suitable housing, so am thinking of buying a tent and just getting away for a while. With my Bible. No idea what else I could do, but any suggestions...
  8. P

    My Lifes Trials

    Hello, i'm new to the forum and am currently struggling big time. I have had a problem with alcohol since I can remember, and lost alot of money recently.. I am on the verge of homelessness constantly. However as from today I really do want to turn everything around, I have been sober for a good...