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  1. JesusIsMyTicket

    going backwards...

    I get so upset with myself at times like this. I go months without self harming and then everything hits me like a ton of bricks. I end up relapsing. consistently relapse for weeks on end before managing to stop again. My normal coping mechanisms feel undoable because of my headspace. I often...
  2. JesusIsMyTicket

    How to not be defined by mental illness

    So, I am a college student, and in my social work 101 class today, they had guest speakers from NAMI. Both of the speakers mentioned their stories and struggles with mental illness and management. I mean, it was emotionally hard for me to hear them discuss such dark times, but also as they...
  3. JesusIsMyTicket

    ELCA exposed? Confused...

    Hey there, if this needs moved go ahead. I'm really unsure if I put this in the correct place. For a few months now, I have been going to an ELCA church. It is the Lutheran church nearest to me. I was made aware the ELCA is generally viewed as a more "liberal" Lutheran church. I don't mind...
  4. JesusIsMyTicket

    A Jazzy AMA

    Because I love doing these kind of threads on other places and I'm new so its a good opportunity for yall to drive me nuts. :p
  5. JesusIsMyTicket

    Questions for lutherans of all kinds?

    Hi there, So first hand, I am actually a baptized Catholic. However, after struggling with the community and conflicted about certain small doctrines, I stopped going to church and have more less floated as a non-denominational again. I began going to a Lutheran church about 2 months ago. I love...
  6. JesusIsMyTicket

    Hi there!

    Hello. I go by Jazzy. I am 19 years old and a Christian. I was baptized Catholic but I've been going to a Lutheran church for a couple months now so...I'm not sure where my denomination is at. XD My avatar is my celebrity crush, cuz I'm not into posting pictures of myself much. I was a member of...