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  1. Lybrah

    Hit the wall

    I’m almost 50. It hurts hearing men say that women hit the wall (which means get ugly) around 35-40. It also hurts to hear that men don’t want to date us because we can no longer have babies. It’s like I’m useless now. No one will ever want me. I used to hear from others that I was pretty a...
  2. Lybrah

    Plushie Dreadfuls

    These stuffed animals are sooooo adorable. But even though I want to order one, I notice they have alchemy signs on them. I like the mental health selection, plushie fruitfuls, and the latte lapins. However, take a look at them. Do they seem demonic to you? I don’t want to invite bad spirits...
  3. Lybrah

    Movie: After Life

    Has anyone seen After Life (Angel films) yet? Is it biblical? Is it worth seeing?
  4. Lybrah

    Does God count marriage if it didn’t happen in a church?

    Is it adultery to date someone who is just separated but not divorced, however, they weren’t married in a church?
  5. Lybrah

    Is it me?

    I meet a lot of men on dating sites. Things are good initially but then it gets ruined. Usually the guy wants to start having sex and then it ends. Sometimes though things get weird. The guy I was speaking to has been divorced a few times. I don’t usually date divorced men because that’s...
  6. Lybrah

    Too old

    Never got married and everyone else has. I feel like I’m missing out and there’s something wrong with me. It’s too late now because I’m too old and not that attractive anymore. Had tons of dates but never liked any of them. I liked those who didn’t like me. I keep praying for a husband and keep...
  7. Lybrah

    How important is church?

    Can you still be saved if you don’t go to church? My church is so boring. I find myself drifting away. I hate singing and standing. I don’t mind listening to the music and I like the songs and I can follow the lyrics in my heart but I hate singing. The sermons at my church are pretty good. I...
  8. Lybrah

    Music, TV, Entertainment--sins?

    I love shows about vampires and witches because the storylines are so good. I know that these creatures don't exist but I just watch them to enjoy them. I don't want to give these shows up. Also, I enjoy good horror movies (much aware they're not real and actors are not really dead). I don't...
  9. Lybrah

    COVID Vaccine Rumors and Mark of the Beast

    Has anyone on this forum taken the vaccine yet? If so, do you feel as if God has left you? I read about someone saying that they felt like their soul is dead. Also, you might have these tracker things in your blood now. And eventually, you will have to put on a bandaid with needles that does...
  10. Lybrah

    Visits to hell

    Many claim that Jesus took them on a trip to hell and heaven to tell us that these places exist. Are they making it up? Why would they do that?
  11. Lybrah


    Many many you tubers are claiming the rapture is very soon to happen and they’re having dreams about it, and encounters with the Lord. There are some I believe may be legit but others I’m not sure about. Do you believe these people? I’m not having dreams anymore like so many people are. I’ve...
  12. Lybrah

    Question about...

    Suddenly I notice that one of my breasts is slightly bigger than the other. There is no lump whatsoever and it looks and feels fine. I went to a plastic surgeon earlier in the week and he said it was normal to have one bigger than the other. However, I never noticed this and they always seemed...
  13. Lybrah

    Trouble at Work

    I am being persecuted at work for the second time. I was railroaded at the last school system I worked at, and after being successful working at a new school system for the last 6 years, I am now being persecuted again. I have done nothing wrong. I cannot go through this persecution for a...
  14. Lybrah

    Is the Covid-19 vaccine the Mark of the Beast?

    Do you think it will have other things inside of it such as nanoparticles, or a chip as a certificate? Will it become mandated?
  15. Lybrah

    Under Spiritual Attack

    Please pray for me. I am so angry and I don't even know what to do with myself. I don't have any appetite and food just disgusts me right now. Everything angers me, and I have terrible thoughts of hurting others and being mean.
  16. Lybrah

    End Times Dreams

    I was having end-times prophetic like dreams a couple of years ago. But I'm not having them anymore. Does that mean God is displeased with me?
  17. Lybrah

    Stigma on being single after 40

    I read a post on the internet today on the Quora page. Someone wrote "It is rare to find an unmarried woman over 40 who is genuinely happy." I am so upset about this. So I'm supposed to be unhappy? I am the same as when I was twenty. I hate this stigma of if you're not married you're a shrew...
  18. Lybrah

    Struggling with a particular sin

    I’m not having any sex but I do have attraction to males. I do fantasize about having sex outside of marriage but I would never do that in real life. I fantasize about being in love and the person loves me. I cannot find a good partner right now and I have nothing else going for me right now...
  19. Lybrah

    Children and Babies with the Mark

    I understand that people will be getting the mark of the beast in order to buy or sell. But what about children? For example, if the COVID vaccine is the mark, and two parents bring their young children (or even toddlers and babies) to get the vaccine, are those children (who don't know any...
  20. Lybrah

    God places rulers

    I have learned that God places rulers up in power and then can remove them. They could be good or evil depending on what God's purpose is. So what was His purpose with allowing Hitler to be in power? Did He put him there and why did he do that? Or did the devil do that and God signed off on it?