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  1. eartheart

    Satan get behind thee

    Jesus said this to peter... But why? Well he did deny Christ three times. Jesus asked Paul "why are you persecuting me? And we all know how they all were lost for a moment arguing of who was the greatest. And how Judas sold God short for his own lot. Jesus told them that they will all fall but...
  2. eartheart

    War in Heaven?

    I can use some help. I always want to think that this is a mental war as opposed to an actual war in the Heavens since it isn't a plural and it is speaking of future sense in Revelations. Do you believe that there is spiritual/mental warfare happening on massive scale right now that could...
  3. eartheart

    New Heaven

    I would like to hear your thoughts on the topic of the new Heaven and Earth. To me it seems to be the most revealing of all things in the Bible. We will have new and totally different bodies, a new world, a new universe, all things new beyond everything we think we know of Heaven now and the...
  4. eartheart

    More people alive today than dead?

    I heard that there are more people alive today right now, than all people who have ever existed and died. Do you believe their is any scriptural significance to this? Is it a sign we are being gathered for the true Judgment?
  5. eartheart

    Hell or the lake of fire?

    Hebrews says that our God is a consuming fire, revelations says that all sinners will have a part in the eternal lake of fire (not that they will be eternal in it as well but have a part). My understanding is that in my case I was an athiest and I felt tortured before being touched by the Holy...
  6. eartheart

    Futurist Only Revelations: The art and spirit of prophecy

    The art of prophesy is spirit of God and I believe is at the of heart belief considering how old the Bible books actually are. Like Nostradamus, Biblical prophesy has a catch 22. If we could prevent a prophesy from happening than the prophesy still remains unfulfilled by default and the plot...
  7. eartheart

    Myththras and Conspiracy

    Are the same. We are headed towards the future, Catholicism has always been the world religion and have wanted us since the beginning to realise this truth about unity ascension. As a strand of DNA is made as one by 2 branches, or one star fish as many eyes front and back, so man be lifted as...
  8. eartheart

    Enoch translated?

    I have not read the book of Enoch, so does Hebrews 11:5 suggest that God removed him and his book from the Holy Word to exemplify full faith? Jesus speaks of Enoch as if he was once part of the Bible, as if he were initiated, taken up and written into the book of life perhaps? Your thoughts?
  9. eartheart

    Friday the 13th origins in genesis

    It was on Friday that man (left and right/alpha and omega) became a living soul, this is also the day when man was told to remember by on the seventh day. So being Friday the 6th and seven days later, Friday the 13th as the day man fell away and hid in bushes out of fear. Also this is an old...
  10. eartheart

    Like a thief in the night

    I was a liar, thief and a rebellious kid. I hayed the Church for advertising hell as my sure destination. I thought how dare you? I was with God and free until they said they can save me. The statues of angels looked like winged demons to me as a kid. When i was a teenager i burned the bible...
  11. eartheart

    Christ Philosophy vs Mainstream Christianity

    Can a Church forgive sins on behalf of Christ? No. If it were possible, unbelievers would be able to commit the most ungodly crimes and feel ok about them, never seeking to change themselves or others for the good of the whole. Jesus says never to admit your sins to any man, nor church, but to...
  12. eartheart

    Catching up with Christ

    Peter froze at the fire and denied all of his involvement with his lord out of fear of judment, Jesus tells him "Get behind me Satan!". Later on Peter accepts Christ and is caught up with him and finds forgiveness, being a man of small faith. When he first saw what he thought was a ghost he...