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  1. Isaiah55:6

    Debate challenge on the deity of Christ

    I would like to propose a debate in regards to the deity of Christ. I believe scripture is very clear that Jesus Christ is God in flesh. If you disagree, let me know and we will debate it.
  2. Isaiah55:6

    How does God discipline?

    (Heb 12:6-8) "For the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and chastises every son whom he receives. It is for discipline that you have to endure. God is treating you as sons. For what son is there whom his father does not discipline? If you are left without discipline, in which all have...
  3. Isaiah55:6

    Man and dinosaur coexisting

    This is not going to be very in depth. (Father of two little boys) The myth of evolution has been used to promote the belief that man and dinosaur lived millions of years apart. It's my opinion that the bible clearly teaches that we both lived together. (Job 40:15-24) and (Job 41:1-34). And the...
  4. Isaiah55:6

    Futurist Only Eschatology poll

    Just for fun, I was just curious what positions different Christians hold too in their eschatology. Eg) rapture pre, mid, post. Millennium. Don't write why you hold to it, just write what position you hold. I'll start. Rapture: Post trib Millennium: amillennuim *ignore the 'futurist only'
  5. Isaiah55:6

    Underneath the surface

    I was reading this the other day and couldn't help but wonder if there is something deeper going on here. (Luke 7:22) "So he replied to the messengers, "Go back and report to John what you have seen and heard: The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cleansed, the...
  6. Isaiah55:6

    Is homosexuality harmful to society?

    I think the statistics speak for themselves. Disease: 2% of U.S. population is homosexual yet it accounts for 61% of HIV infection: "Men who have sex with men [MSM] remain the group most heavily affected by new HIV infections. While the CDC estimates that MSM represent only 2 percent of the...
  7. Isaiah55:6

    Apparitions of Mary the Vatican recognizes

    Wasn't sure where to put this thread, but I just wanted to see what some opinions are on this topic. Just to me personally there seems to be something very wrong going on here. Almost demonic. These are apparitions that the Vatican recognizes as actually being Mary. (1951 appearance to Juan...
  8. Isaiah55:6

    Need parental advice

    Ok so the other night I was reading the bible with my 4 year old. We were reading about Adam and Eve and came across the part where God says "if you eat of the tree you will surely die". So like a typical 4 year old, he started asking a lot of questions and I tried to explain to him how death...
  9. Isaiah55:6

    Need advice

    I was reading the bible with my 4yr old the other day. We were reading about Adam and Eve and came across the part where God says "if you eat of the tree you will surely die". And like any 4 year old, the questions start pouring in. So I tried explaining to him how Adam and Eve were created to...
  10. Isaiah55:6


    I've been here about a week and never noticed this 'introduce yourself' thread. So I guess I'll do that now. I'm 33. I've been a believer all my life. I don't remember the moment I got saved because I have been a Christian since before I can remember lol. I live in Canada, married with two small...