Search results

  1. Christie insb

    Daughter struggling w/anorexia. Prayers/advice requested.

    My daughter has been undereating, this time for over a year. We are having her evaluated next week for an intensive outpatient program. Her weight may be just above the threshold for being dangerously underweight but she screams at me if she thinks I added more fat to her eggs than she...
  2. Christie insb

    Please pray for wisdom

    I have high blood pressure and I am getting over a cold. Yesterday at work I went upstairs to get some packages and then I started coughing, and then between that and picking the packages up off the floor I started getting dizzy. Now I have had some issues with orthos tactic hypotension and...
  3. Christie insb

    The Church and the Messianic movement

    I was in a meeting last night and the speaker was Rami Danieli. Here is a link to his website: I found it very disturbing. I hate to summarize what he said because I disagreed with him adamantly and I might misstate his position. I...
  4. Christie insb

    Franken may resign tomorrow; Dems taking his alleged harassment seriously

    Franken's support fades as Democrats call for resignation Sen. Conyers also resigned yesterday.
  5. Christie insb

    Can I post here?

    I no longer attend a Messianic congregation. There aren't any in my area, but I would be very picky about where I went if there were. My husband is a Jewish believer. I have done Ha Yesod at least twice, but I am not Torah observant at this time. I don't feel the need to post to religious...
  6. Christie insb

    Question about SDA medical views

    Do you remember "the baby with the baboon heart"? A little girl was born with a fatal heart defect, I think at Loma Linda hospital. This doctor had been practicing putting sheep's hearts in goats, etc, and he thought he could save her by transplanting her heart with a baboon heart. She might...
  7. Christie insb

    Grace and works

    I was at work in a nursing home and they had a Catholic service this morning. I wish I had the liturgy in front of me, but it said something like, "Follow your precepts and achieve salvation." I have been raised in the Lutheran tradition of there is nothing you can do to be saved except rely...
  8. Christie insb

    States with more Evangelicals, theists have more porn searchez

    Study finds religious factors linked to searches for online pornography in the United States I know, correlation does not equal causation, but whatd'yathink?
  9. Christie insb

    New ignoramus, think I know a lot, desperate for theological discussion.

    Hey -- Thanks for having this group. I am a woman in late middle age (50 is the youth of old age and I will soon be 59) living in Southern California. I was raised in the Evangelical Covenant Church, influenced strongly by Lutheranism. We moved here a couple of years ago and I still haven't...