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  1. Linet Kihonge

    Let's clear up the Eschatology Scripture?

    Revelations Begins with the Trumpet of the Seven Churches: These Churches could still be a representative of some of the mainstream churches in the world today. I have no Idea which one represents which. So Let me Jump to the Seals - Break out of a War - Economic Collapse - Famine, Plague...
  2. Linet Kihonge

    Can he overcome it with time?

    My son is about two years old and we have managed to overcome something over time. When he was 8-months old in the tummy, I slipped and fell badly, I sprained my wrist so (THANK GOD It was a safe delivery). we were doin' well the first few months before I observed something else. My son hated...
  3. Linet Kihonge

    In Memory of Christians who ran the race and won the Good fight?

    Let's take time to write down martyred Christians or anyone you feel should be mentioned because of standing against the world to pledge an Allegiance to the LORD. I live in Nairobi, many years ago I knew all about a President by the Name Idi Amin who run my neighboring Country, Kampala, UG...
  4. Linet Kihonge

    Is there anything wrong in being a Spirit-Filled Catholic?

    Can I be filled with the Holy Spirit? :(
  5. Linet Kihonge

    What have we DONE!!!

    For a long time I decided to read the Bible as a whole and I learned, a few things made a lot of sense but not with a concrete foundation, it was as if I was reading, half truths and half something else. It was not until I learned that the Original scripture never had numbered lines, it was...
  6. Linet Kihonge

    How many denominations would pass through Torah unblemished?

    Some of the earliest churches today, either dropped the 10 commandments somewhere or lost some interpretation somewhere. It's either the Bible isn't the inspired word of God or it's not important in determining God's Code of CONDUCT on any church. The issue is not judging the issue is, how far...
  7. Linet Kihonge

    The Most Emotional Story in Four words

    He never looked back...!
  8. Linet Kihonge

    How did Judas die, really?

    Hi, I just wanted to post this for "fun" you know like doing a Crime Scene and understand how this happened. I think we all know how he hanged himself and he fell headlong, split into two and had his entrails gushed out. These are my questions? 1. Did the rope cut? 2. From what height would he...
  9. Linet Kihonge

    The 21 reasons behind the rejection of the "Bible-Only"

    I lifted this from a place I don't want to quote but next time you are told why it's outrageous to hold to the Bible you've known all your lifetime, this is why!!! disheartening in every sense of the definition!!! No scripture says that Scripture should be the only source of inspiration; The...
  10. Linet Kihonge

    RCC, what's the heresy behind spirit-filled church?

    No matter what happens don't say anything sinful whether you think it was done by him or not!!! It shall be a murky thread since the Spirit is very Picky. If you believe in his Power share your testimony. PLEASE: NO Flaming!!! I'm not sure why people who claim to be spirit-filled are considered...
  11. Linet Kihonge

    The Truth

    I want to ask these early churches something: The 1st Century Apostles were - most of them Jews. So they faced a lot of persecution from the Judaism Jew population. IOW Judaism had a very strong religious presence even in ROME considering they considered "Christians" as another sect if not...
  12. Linet Kihonge

    A Controversial Review of the Immaculate

    This post will hurt but truth be told, some prayers are just too much!!! "O Immaculate Heart of Mary, Heavenly beauty and splendor of the Father, You are the most valued Heavenly treasure. New Eve, immaculate in soul, spirit and body, Created of the godly seed by the Spirit of God, You are the...
  13. Linet Kihonge

    How comes Most of Revelation is about the Destruction of Jerusalem?

    Luke 21 (20-24) When you see Jerusalem being surrounded by armies, you will know that its desolation is near. 21Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, let those in the city get out, and let those in the country not enter the city. 22For this is the time of punishment in...
  14. Linet Kihonge

    Who feels like getting supernatural...?

    I'm not even sure if this is the right thread for the forum but let me see if it will make sense in the first place. Okay, we all remember that in Genesis 6 there were sons of God (Nephilims) who intermarried with mankind forming the Anakites (race of Giants). For a long time, they were the...
  15. Linet Kihonge

    The Bible is the Most Authorititative Book

    No one before the beginning of time ever knew how the world would end like the Bible. It used symbols and allegories but more so, to warn man what would happen as the universe faded out of existence. There were two ways of viewing the Bible, either as the book filled with mysteries and mythical...
  16. Linet Kihonge

    How do you view Sola Fide view of Scripture, "rigid" or "Dynamic" ?

    I'm buffled and shocked that Sola Scripture is all about preaching the solid scripture and nothing else besides that, yet in my view Sola Scripture is a misrepresentation of what protestants actually believe. I think sola scripture is just being able to cross-check with the bible and ensuring...
  17. Linet Kihonge

    Is Man evolving?

    Don't worry, it's a Kenyan Child who went through a mind activation program and he not only sees everything but also solves algebra and arithmetic puzzles even before the teacher hands out the homework. It's like the world is in his mind in both past, present and future!!! :? Help me understand!!!
  18. Linet Kihonge

    Have you ever dealt with impulsive believers?

    I'm just asking, as a Christian how do you deal with those with tendencies to hurl abuses at you or are physically aggressive in their heated rage? There are people who are often susceptible to react on impulse and I'm not sure if it's a "curable" issue or not. Better still, how should someone...
  19. Linet Kihonge

    Demystifying the Last Book

    I hate how people who say that Rev. is full of myths, symbolism or apocalypticism. Sadly, it doesn't take a genius to understand that some of the biblical proofs of life at its brink of extinction is there. What makes it special is that no one in the 1st century was that genius to explain the...
  20. Linet Kihonge

    Is this the end?

    Is anyone seeing what's been happening? The world sounds like it will be in rubbles.