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  1. ClothedInGrace

    Gospel Centered Discussion

    Hello everyone! Too often we get caught discussing and/or debating with unbelievers about issues that surround our faith: the problem of evil, science, theism, etc. I just wanted to call us to remember that our primary motivation should not be to win an argument with unbelievers, but rather...
  2. ClothedInGrace

    Does Aging Prove Genesis Is True?

    Hello everyone! Allow me to explain my question... Biologically speaking, there is no real reason for us to age and die the way that we do. Why is it that every human being is aging at about the same rate, and dying naturally in the ballpark of 100-120 years? Genesis 6:3 has God shortening our...
  3. ClothedInGrace

    Is Islam the Beast of Revelation?

    Hello everyone! I am curious if anyone else on this forum believes that Islam is the Beast of Revelation, and that Muhammad is the False Prophet? I have seen a lot of evidence to suggest this, but I'd like to hear your thoughts and opinions on the subject. Thank you and God bless. (Btw, I...
  4. ClothedInGrace

    What Will You Bring Before God?

    God rejected the fruits of Cain, but He accepted Abel's blood sacrifice. (Genesis 4:2-5) God doesn't want our fruit: He wants us to come before Him with the blood that our sin requires. Jesus is the only man who gave blood worthy enough to pay for sin, because He was God's only Son. In Him...
  5. ClothedInGrace

    Sharing the Gospel

    Hello everyone! I just had a quick question: how do you share the Gospel?
  6. ClothedInGrace

    The Nature of Hell

    Hello everyone! I wanted to get a thread started for discussion about the nature of the Lake of Fire, more commonly known as Hell. There are three different broad views of Hell that I know of: Traditionalism, Universalism, and Conditionalism. Traditionalism would be what most Christians...
  7. ClothedInGrace

    Arguments Against Old Earth Theory

    I'm not going to act like I understand all of the arguments for or against an Old Earth, but I found this man's presentation to be very enlightening. The basic idea is that secular scientists bring a lot of assumptions into their dating methods that aren't necessarily true. Regardless of the...
  8. ClothedInGrace

    The Inerrancy of the Bible

    Hello everyone, I had not really known that so many who profess faith in Jesus are very quick to believe that the Bible is full of errors. So I wish to start this thread for discussion about the inerrancy of the scriptures. I will begin by sharing what I believe. To start, when talking about...
  9. ClothedInGrace

    Am I The Only One of My Kind?

    I have yet to find online a brother/sister in Christ who is Reformed, Conditionalist, and Premillenial. There are great men who are Reformed and Conditionalist, but are Amillenial, and there are great men who are Reformed and Premillenial, but are Traditionalists. Am I the only one of my kind...
  10. ClothedInGrace

    Sanders or Trump?

    Hello all, Who is more Christian in their platform? Trump: the rich businessman who won't stop talking about his polls? Or Sanders: the man who wants to give struggling Americans access to healthcare, college, and a livable wage? Should Christians be forced to vote conservative simply because...
  11. ClothedInGrace

    What is Heaven?

    Hello all, What does the Bible say about heaven? Is it simply a reference to all that is above or is it a spiritual place? I've been studying the use of the word in the Old and New Testaments and have made the discovery that there isn't much exposition about heaven being the place most...
  12. ClothedInGrace


    Hello everyone, I've been wondering this question as of late because I am genuinely concerned with those who hold to beliefs that contradict scripture. Can someone be a Christian yet reject doctrines like: Biblical inspiration and the infallibility of scripture as a result of this Virgin...
  13. ClothedInGrace

