Search results

  1. Sevensong

    October Baby

    Just watched October Baby and started bawling. More than once throughout the film, but the ending left me up in arms. It was no closure for me. All I could think was, I relate so well to that poor girl. I'm not an abortion survivor, but I believe I might've been if it had been an option for...
  2. Sevensong

    Narcissistic Abuse?

    Anyone have any experience with it? I'm just realizing she even was a narcissist, but it explains everything, fits my symptoms to a T. And I can't find anyone who specializes in it. Any idea what kind of therapy works best for this, and hopefully I can educate a good therapist who specializes in...
  3. Sevensong

    PTSD, Finances

    Please pray for me. I've been in a panic tonight. My PTSD is triggered, and it's really hard to control my emotions. I've been suicidal again -- big problem for a year and a half, and for many years before my Baptism before that. A professor emailed saying I'd been rude in class (for being...
  4. Sevensong

    Need Deliverance...and lots of Healing

    Please pray for me, brothers and sisters, I've come through hell. Again. The Lord has shown me how much I am in need of deliverance. Several people have told me this throughout my life, and it was clearly the Lord speaking and working through them. The things that they suggested worked when put...
  5. Sevensong

    Fragile, Recently Suicidal

    Please pray for me. God has recently brought me back, yet again, from the brink. And now I feel myself pushed back toward it. I know the devil is behind this. I feel a familiar sense of building agitation within - and without, one of my roommates seems to be increasingly malicious toward me...
  6. Sevensong

    How to Change?

    I'm not really a new Christian officially speaking, but I do feel that I've been going about it all wrong, striving in vain and to no effect - and of course, the harder I strove, the colder and more distant I felt from God, and the worse my spiritual life got... So I've just recently...I don't...
  7. Sevensong

    Trying to find a Good Church...Again

    So, I've worked up the courage to try again. I found 2-3 that I might visit tomorrow (morn and eve...not sure which two I'll pick). I'm just in a really desperate place where I know I need God in my life, need some kind of connection that won't let me slip down the bad road again. I think a big...
  8. Sevensong

    Struggling with Fallout

    Things went completely off the rails for me beginning in childhood. I've only barely started to turn my life around since going to college at 25. I'm now 31, less than 3 months from my BA. But I still struggle so badly. No one knows it. I excel academically. 4.0 GPA, already accepted into a...
  9. Sevensong

    Where did my post go???

    I just posted a prayer request, but it's not here. Where did it go? I'm struggling with a perverted professor, and I really need prayers...
  10. Sevensong

    Perverted Professor

    Please pray for me. I'm a college student struggling with a creepy professor who keeps sneaking sexual violence into every single class. Even after I talked to her about it a little, and she seemed responsive, it was back in the very next class! This time, she acted like I was crazy, and even...
  11. Sevensong

    Prayer for Finances/New Job

    Please pray for me. I just found out I'm not going to be able to make rent much longer if I don't have some kind of financial windfall soon, either with a good new job or else a scholarship or something. I'm just not bringing in enough anymore to cover my expenses. I need God to intervene in...
  12. Sevensong

    Wasn't sure where to put this...but thank God!

    Realized how free I am, and how silly I've been. I'm going to Community Christian Church tomorrow. If it's not right, I know God will bring me safely out. But at the moment, it feels right. God has just set me free much. I've been trying to carry everything, but Jesus showed me that...
  13. Sevensong

    Please Pray That I Escape My Downward Spiral

    I have been extremely close to despair for years now, and in the last month or so, I've actually contemplated suicide because I've been stuck in this neverending downward spiral - trapped in a bad place, surrounded by toxicity and triggering memories of years-long trauma and abuse, and horribly...
  14. Sevensong

    Please Pray for Me

    Please pray for me. I'm coming undone again, contemplating terribly destructive things. I just don't know where to go from here.
  15. Sevensong

    Wrong Section?

    Sorry if this is in the wrong place, but I can't find much around here since they made the changes - even the prayer requests (for Christians) seems to have disappeared. Anyway I'm not sure that's what this is exactly. Though prayers would be much appreciated. This whole new year, I've been...
  16. Sevensong

    Spiritual Fog and Living Situation

    Since the Friday before Palm Sunday, I've been in a strange spiritual fog. It's not aridity, and I don't know how to describe it except to say that I'm under increasing stress and can't seem to see my way forward through this. I know God is still here, but every time I try to pray, it's like the...
  17. Sevensong

    Prayers for School

    Please pray I get through the rest of this semester without breaking down - and without ruining my so far excellent grades. It's been really tough going for me recently.
  18. Sevensong


    Hi, everyone. I was raised in paganism but have pretty much always considered myself a Christian (literally from my earliest memories, He was there). I said His Name, to the surprised confusion of those around me, who let me know It wasn't welcome, when I was three. I crossed myself for the...
  19. Sevensong

    WHEN will I learn???

    I don't know what is wrong with me. I don't know what I was thinking - I was doing well - and then suddenly, the old reflexes just kicked in again. I felt that pressure to be a "good girl" and that I have to "be the bigger person" and not be mean - or letting anyone THINK I'm mean. I actually...
  20. Sevensong

    Please Pray for Me - Crisis

    Hi, everyone. I just joined, after gratefully finding this forum tonight. I'm going through a very difficult struggle at the moment. I'm not sure where to begin, and my head is somewhat foggy due to illness. But in a nutshell: I've been repeatedly abused in my life, and fallen into some...