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  1. Ruba

    I feel my relationship is going to end...

    Hello everyone, I am kind of embarrassed to talk about this. I am scared mostly, because I feel like I'm about to lose somebody that I've been committing to for awhile. My boyfriend and I been in a long-distance relationship for almost 2 years. Recently I moved over with his parents so I can...
  2. Ruba

    How does one forgive themselves for poor habits...

    ...that lasted so long? Have you ever just had a bad habit whether it be and addiction, laziness, lying.. or anything that you know very well affects others negatively and it wasn't just a blip of a habit that lasted for a few months.. but instead several years? Just how do you overcome such...
  3. Ruba

    Confessions and need Prayer

    I am not exactly sure how to start this post, but I just feel I need to express these confessions. They are not fun to talk about, but I feel if I don't talk about them.. they will just get worst. I want to hold myself accountable and be the better person. Work recently has been pretty...
  4. Ruba

    Prayer for Christian Thrift Store and my Co-workers/Customers

    Hello everyone, I don't mean to give a tall prayer order, but this has been stacking in my heart since I started working at this Thrift Store 6 months ago. I will try to keep it as simple as I can. As basic as I can explain, I work at a Mission Thrift Store, meaning its a charity that gains...
  5. Ruba

    Prayer for self-control in Money, and comfort

    Good evening everyone, I need your prayers. So I grew up in a household where people hardly worked. The one who worked always got leeched off of, and belittled when they said no to spending money. For many years, I was the person who spent money on family. It was on a lot of small things too...
  6. Ruba

    I just broke up with my boyfriend and need prayer. :(

    Anxiety has always been a huge enemy in my life that I have to continuously almost everyday give it to the Lord because I struggle with it all the time. Its really rough when I accidentally hurt someone or someone is mad at me. I am very sensitive to people's emotions, and I don't want to be the...
  7. Ruba

    Please Pray for Sean

    Sean is having an internal battle right now due to the fact that there is some sexual sin that is tempting him and guilt is hitting him really hard. He's afraid to commit to his love one because he isn't married yet. He feels alone in the dark and is isolating himself lately. I just need prayer...
  8. Ruba

    I need prayer to get over the big bumps of a new job

    So I started working at a office store part time about a week ago. Of course being a new hire, I had to ask many questions even if they sound dumb, and I been making mistakes. I understand that this was the only way I can learn on the job properly, so I fought hard to set my embarrassment to the...
  9. Ruba

    Prayer for my mom recovering from a stroke

    My mom back in March had surgery to remove a brain tumor, but after they successfully got it out, her brain swelled up and she had a stroke that made her right side of her body unmovable. Over the month she is able to move her right side again, but it's really weak and she can't stand up still...
  10. Ruba

    Routine VS Relationship - How Hard Is It For You?

    The real reason why we Christians go to church, read our bibles, pray, give thanks, and be involved with much fellowship is to deepen our relationship with the Lord. However lately, these routines or practices are becoming more idolized to people than using these as tools to improve their...
  11. Ruba

    This Family Needs a TON of Prayer

    My mother fell away from the Lord many many years ago due to many reasons, and I believe those reasons were just major attacks from the devil. Before my mom divorced my father when I was only a year old due by his abusive behaviors, she was criticized by elders in her local church for having 4...
  12. Ruba

    Abusive Friend

    Hello everyone, I need your assistance. I came on here because I am afraid people outside of this website are going to actually say really mean things thinking I am stupid or something, and I been cyber-bullied enough just trying to ask for help. I have a friend from high school who I...
  13. Ruba

    Need some prayer

    Every time I am unemployed, I feel so useless that I have breakdowns from time to time. I keep telling myself I do what I can without the money being there, but its very hard when no one in your family has no job, and your the youngest. I'm sure everyone feels pretty down when they have no...
  14. Ruba

    Please Pray for My Family and I

    I am going to try to make this as simple as I can so you won't read a novel. My family is all unemployed, and we are living off food stamps, SSI, and my unemployment benefits. We don't mean to, and we wish even one of us had a good job locally available for us. So pray that one of us gets a...
  15. Ruba

    Crushed esteem from overweight and soda pop

    Hello everyone, I have to admit I am soda addict. I could drink 10 pints of that stuff everyday, and now I cut that amount down to half with water, and I felt a lot better.:thumbsup: I been doing good for several weeks and I was hoping I can cut more and more over time, but... I crashed and...
  16. Ruba


    pride noun \ˈprīd\ : a feeling that you respect yourself and deserve to be...
  17. Ruba

    Letting go of friends for the sake of God

    Yesterday I was feeling kind of depressed, and I wanted to talk to someone. So I tried to get in contact with my two old ex-friends because we play a game together sometimes. As I got the server name and tried to play with them, I instantly remembered why I had to stay away from them. They...
  18. Ruba

    Struggling with Motivation

    Motivation seems to be one of my biggest problems around here. I really love God with all of my heart, and I want to do things for Him, and keep up the faith, but sometimes I fall into a slump, and can't get myself to do anything hardly. The problem is that when I forget to read the bible for a...