Search results

  1. Hamlet7768

    Where is the Problem in our Liturgy?

    Pax et bonum, omnes. I've been thinking for a while about the liturgical travails that we have endured both before and since the 1970s, how far we have come, and how far we may have to go. One thing I have wondered, being a relative new-comer to the traditional side of Catholicism, is where...
  2. Hamlet7768

    A bit of a silly problem with contemplative prayer

    I'm posting here because my current attempts at contemplative prayer are centered around the use of the Jesus Prayer (in English, despite my signature), which I understand is fundamental to the Eastern Christian contemplative tradition (both Catholic and Orthodox). I've been attempting to use...
  3. Hamlet7768

    Catholic Writer, Inquiring for Research

    Peace and good. I have a peculiar request for help with a book I am working on. Firstly, if anything I say sounds insensitive, forgive me, but point it out kindly, so I may apologize and correct myself. Also, to clarify some terms: When I refer to Orthodoxy, I mean the Eastern Orthodox...
  4. Hamlet7768

    How to approach Ad Orientem worship?

    Hi all, First off, I do not really consider myself traditionalist. I have my own...not heterodox, but not necessarily orthodox, ideas about some things, and I'll leave it at that. Anyway, one area in which I lean more traditionalist is in the orientation of worship. Over the past few...
  5. Hamlet7768

    The Great Advent: A Story in Need of Perspective

    Hi all, I don't post on here too much. I mostly lurk and try not to get into debates I'll regret later on. But this time I have something to share! I'm working on a new story, set in a near-future United States, heavily inspired by Robert Hugh Benson's Lord of the World. The story is...
  6. Hamlet7768

    I Return to Where I Was Not Missed

    Hi all. Hamlet here. I also respond to Ham. I describe this as returning because I signed up for this forum a while back, because I felt a need for getting myself some Christian companionship, even if only on the Internet. Most of my real-life companionship in my parish is significantly older...
  7. Hamlet7768

    New guy. Have at me.
