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  1. P

    Conservatives and taxes I understand it, conservatives are all for cutting taxes and smaller government, right? So...please explain something to me. I live in one of the most conservative states in the US (in the desert southwest), yet taxes are higher here compared with many other places in the US. Sales tax...
  2. P

    Has the "Pro-life" politics gone too far?

    In Texas, a man is fighting to have his wife taken off life support. She is brain-dead. HOWEVER, she is also currently somewhere around 18 weeks pregnant with a fetus of unknown viability. Texas law trumps NOK wishes or even a living will if the woman is pregnant. you support...
  3. P

    Yes, welfare is going to bankrupt the US Government

    Yes, welfare is going to bankrupt the US government... Roughly 44 bucks per year per taxpayer for welfare/SNAP and people have hissie fits. 4 grand a year in corporate subsidies per taxpayer and people think it's all good because these folks are going to "create jobs"...the money from these...
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    "Living off the Government"

    As a proud retired Navy Wife and daughter, daughter-in-law, sister-in-law and mother of veterans, I am really bent when I hear people speak of those who "live off the government" as a bunch of leeches, lazy, etc. I have "lived off the government" my entire life. My father was in the Air Force...
  5. P

    Feel the love and compassion...

    Once again...Christians at their finest... Students Tease One-Eyed Cancer Sufferer, Call Her ‘A Slap in the Face to God’# For people who profess to follow the one who said "Love one another as I have loved you", they sure can be a hateful bunch.
  6. P

    Let's hear it for the Christians!

    NJ Restaurant Customer Refuses to Tip Gay Server, Writes "I Do Not Agree With Your Lifestyle" | NBC New York Oh boy...let's hear it for the "good" Christians! Once again, the ignorance and nastiness is astounding coming from those who profess to follow the one who said "love one another as...
  7. P

    If you don't like the rules....

    And here is how the GOP manipulated established rules to try to get their way. This video makes me more scared of them than the Democrats! House Republicans Changed The Rules So A Majority Vote Couldn't Stop The Government Shutdown
  8. P

    Retired Navy Wife!

    Hi all! I'm a retired Navy wife who survived a 24 year military career, raising a house full of children with a husband who was frequently at sea, and have managed to live to tell about it. I was an Air Force brat who met another Air Force brat while living in AF base housing. He wasn't quite...
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    Hi! I'm Elizabeth, also known as "Mom" and "Nona" to a bunch of kiddos! Happily married to my one and only for almost 32 years's quiet these days, only 5 kids left at home now! Anybody else enjoy insanity as much as I do? Anyway, I stumbled across this site and finally decided to join.
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    Large Families

    Hello! Just found this forum today... Just wanted to know if there were any couples with many kids here? How do you keep your marriage alive when it's all you can do to make it through one more day? We have been blessed 12 amazing times. So far, 8 grandkids with the 9th due any minute now.