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    Evidence Media Is Centrally Controlled By Deep State

    Left-leaning, right-leaning, and centrist news companies all controlled by one source. All following a pre-written script from a single source. Don't trust any of these news companies in this video.
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    שבת שלום

    Shabbat shalom! I want everyone to have an extra blessed Shabbat! We always say this psalm after Bible study on Shabbat: Psalms Chapter 92 תְּהִלִּים א מִזְמוֹר שִׁיר, לְיוֹם הַשַּׁבָּת. 1 A Psalm, a Song. For the sabbath day. ב טוֹב, לְהֹדוֹת לַיהוָה; וּלְזַמֵּר לְשִׁמְךָ עֶלְיוֹן. 2 It...
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    The Plandemic

    Proof that the Pandemic was Planned & With Purpose
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    Did Men Really Walk On The Moon?

    Please stay on topic. No talk of flat earth, aliens, Donald Trump, covid, or other unrelated topics. Please, DO NOT DOUBLE POST.
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    January 1 Is Not The New Year

    Abib 1 is the new year. January 1 is the Roman new year. In honor of Janus, the 2 faced god.
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    5 Day Fast Prayer Request

    I just started a 5 day fast. This will be a water-only fast. I am fasting for personal reasons. But please pray for Christopher and Tamara. We are going through a difficult time. Thank you everyone who prays. May Yahweh bless you and keep you.
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    A Hebrew Book of Revelation? Here is a link to a Hebrew Book of Revelation that was found in a library. Textual analysis indicates this may be a copy of the...
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    Christ Did Not Fulfill All The Feasts. They Are Not Abolished.

    Only the Spring Feasts were fulfilled. The Fall Feasts will not be fulfilled until the 2nd coming, except the 8th Day which will be fulfilled when the New Heaven and Earth will be created. Passover reminds us of Christ's death. He is the Passover. By keeping Passover we better understand Christ...
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    Daniel 2:43

    Daniel 2:43 “As you saw iron mixed with ceramic clay, they will mingle with the seed of men; but they will not adhere to one another, just as iron does not mix with clay.” Who or what is the clay?
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    Is Covid-19 A Genetically Engineered Virus?

    Did it come from the level 4 bioweapons lab in Wuhan? Or did it come naturally from a bat? To clarify, I am not debating the existence of Covid-19. I am asking your opinion on it's origin.
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    RFK and His New Book

    The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health Let's discuss.
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    Please Pray For Me and My Fiance

    It is personal but please pray for Christopher and Tamara. Thank you everyone who prays.
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    New Moons

    How do you observe a new moon? Is it a day of worship, according to Isaiah 66:23? But not a day of rest? It seems to me it is a working day, with time set aside for worship. What do you think? And when is it? I think it begins the first sunset after the conjunction.
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    John the Baptist the true High Priest

    During the time before Yeshua was born, and for sometime after, there was a dispute as to who the true High Priest was. In 6 BC, Annas the Sadducee became the High Priest. Or was he? The Sadducees were a heretical sect that did not believe in an afterlife. They were more like Atheists than...
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    Есть ли мессианцы в Москве? Или Сочи?

    Ищу стипендию в Москве и Сочи, Россия.
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    All Lives Matter

    Do you find this offensive? Racist? Or ok? Is this a better slogan than: Black Lives Matter White Lives Matter Asian Lives Matter Jewish Lives Matter Etc....
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    Democrats Support Abortion

    Dems, how can you be a member of a party that approves of murdering babies and selling their body parts on the black market? I am not a member of any political party.