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  1. KBond

    Devil again

    I have been writing Christian literature as a hobby for the last ten years or so. Within the last couple of years, I started editing some Christian literature (also as a hobby). God has inspired me to edit several free ebooks, but every time I am working on one...the devil stirs up the worst...
  2. KBond


    Please pray for my dog. First off, we adopted her from shelter. She was in good health and house trained but shy so we assumed she would get used to us. She warmed up to all of us except my husband. She is in terror every time he comes around. She is so afraid she will pee and poop from fear...
  3. KBond

    Homemade Pain (poem) **TRIGGER WARNING**

    (I felt inspired to write this poem called "Homemade Pain.") Homemade Pain by me It may seem weird but The Lord said to me, “There’s something I want you to see.” He set down a book, I opened the cover, Eager to have a look. On the first page I saw A girl with eyes full of...
  4. KBond

    Plz pray for me

    I need prayer. I really can't say what exactly I need prayer for because I don't really know. I just feel like I need somebody to pray for me. Please pray for me. Thanks! If anyone has a word for me, I would appreciate that as well.
  5. KBond

    ebook evangelism

    I put together a couple of free ebooks with the purpose of evangelizing at Feel free to share. The poetry ebook is new and hasn't really been prayed over much so I would appreciate a prayer over that one. Thanks and God bless!
  6. KBond

    Ministry & Protection

    Please pray for a successful ministry and spiritual protection. He that dwells in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. --Ps.91:1
  7. KBond

    Wicked Thorn

    Wicked Thorn by Me How unkind, you wicked thorn! I despise you to the core. Oh, how you have plagued me since birth. Oh, how you have robbed me of such joy. Oh, how I hate you--you wicked thorn! How many times have I begged the Lord to take you from me, Three million times...
  8. KBond


    I knew smoking was a sin for years, but I could not quit. One main reason I considered myself sinful for doing it was to draw comfort from the drug called nicotine. I am obsessed with comfort, like it is some kind of idol in my life. I continue to eat more than I should for the same...
  9. KBond

    US Govt Shutdown

    Anyone care to join me in prayer? Lord, please help the leaders work towards resolution in regards to the US government shutdown. Also help the people affected by it. Show us Your mercy and grace. In Christ's Name, Amen. 1 Tim. 2:1-4 "I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers...
  10. KBond

    Draw Anime?

    Anybody draw anime? Any plans to use your skills for Christ?
  11. KBond

    help! Small Group

    My husband and I will be taking part in a church small group over the next few months. We normally avoid this type of setting since we both get sweaty palms when it comes to talking in a small group. I can speak fine in front of a thousand people with a microphone, but knowing when and when not...
  12. KBond

    2 truths and a lie

    This game is kinda like 2 truths and a lie. Jesus said: 1. People do not live by bread alone. 2. These stones ain't bread. 3. Get out of here, Satan. Which is the lie? Then, post 2 things Jesus did say and 1 thing Jesus did not say.
  13. KBond

    Drawn To Him

    “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them, and I will raise them up at the last day.” —John 6:44 December, 1996 Like many college students, it was common for me to stay up late. This particular night, I wrote a letter and listened to music in my living room. It...
  14. KBond

    Christ conquered my son's asthma

    My son's allergies and ear problems have been troublesome since the day he was born. We never left the house without tissues because he constantly needed his nose wiped. He suffered so many ear infections that it seemed he spent his first years on antibiotics. Finally, my son’s pediatrician...
  15. KBond

    My Tobacco-Free Testimony

    At the age of twenty-two, I became a Christian. In an attempt to win God’s favor, I tried to adopt my perception of a Christian lifestyle. Part of this endeavor included laying down my cigarette smoking habit. I prayed for the Lord’s help, and He graciously helped me overcome the initial...
  16. KBond

    Glorify God

    Hallelujah! I have finally stumbled upon God's next step in my life. I feel called to edit a Christian journal. Please pray the journal will glorify God. May God bless you as you pray.