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  1. FreedByte


    For those here who believe in reincarnation: what inspired you to believe in reincarnation? The concept of reincarnation is intriguing to me, which is why I ask.
  2. FreedByte

    Romney no longer running for president

    Whoops, this is a duplicate of this thread:
  3. FreedByte

    Deists: Please explain why you are a deist and what attributes you put on god.

    I am very curious about deism. I call myself an agnostic atheist because: agnostic - I don't believe the existence or nonexistence of god can be determined atheist - I don't believe in the god of any religion So my question about deism is not "why should I not be an atheist?" but "why...
  4. FreedByte

    For creationists: give me your arguments against evolution.

    I always miss the start of anti-evolution threads, so I figured I'd turn the tables around. Why do you reject evolution?
  5. FreedByte

    The Norden: An LAPD officer visits the Nordics and their unarmed police forces
  6. FreedByte

    Steam Sale

    Post the best deals you got during the steam sale so far!
  7. FreedByte

    President Obama signs Presidential Memorandum to protect Alaska's Bristol Bay
  8. FreedByte

    Undercover cop draws gun on protesters and media

    Undercover agent pulls gun on protesters and Reuters photographer during Oakland protest of police killings - Boing Boing
  9. FreedByte

    John McCain Says CIA Torture 'Stained Our National Honor'

    John McCain Says CIA Torture 'Stained Our National Honor'
  10. FreedByte

    Question for people with the "pagan" faith icon?

    What do you mean by "pagan" and why are you a pagan?
  11. FreedByte

    Religion: pros and cons

    Pros: A sense of religious community Believing that you have the answer to the "big questions" Having a figure to turn to for help/answers Cons: Given the number of religions that exist, how can someone determine which is true using only reason? Isolation from those of other religions/no...
  12. FreedByte

    2014 Is Increasingly Likely to Be the Hottest Year on Record
  13. FreedByte

    Stephen Colbert:

    moderators please delete this accidental post
  14. FreedByte

    Op-ed: I'm a Liberal Democrat. I'm Voting for Rand Paul in 2016. Here Is Why.

    I'm a Liberal Democrat. I'm Voting for Rand Paul in 2016. Here Is Why.
  15. FreedByte

    Jill Stein on Green Party's prospects in 2016

    "Neither Left nor Right, but Forward" -- Jill Stein on Green Party's prospects in 2016 - YouTube
  16. FreedByte

    I'm curious, what is the point of liberal Christianity?

    Isn't liberal Christianity just theistic humanism? Why do you choose to be a liberal Christian, and what purpose does it serve for you?
  17. FreedByte

    Rising Oceans Caused By Global Warming Cause Calls for Independence for South Florida

    City of South Miami Officials Call For 'South Florida' Secession
  18. FreedByte

    The right to free speech requires the right to be offensive

    Without the right to offend, there is no free speech. Free speech isn't there so that we can talk about the weather, it's there so that we can talk about controversial things if we choose to. Do we have the RIGHT to OFFEND? [Q2 Part 2] The Big Questions with RICHARD DAWKINS (4/6) - YouTube
  19. FreedByte

    Documentary (full episode): NY State prison warden visits Scandinavian prisons

    Link to video: The Norden: Fängelse | TV | Arenan | Partly in English, partly in Swedish (or maybe Finnish)