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  1. Joshua260

    The Teleological Argument (p4)

    I'd like to discuss and explore the Teleological Argument, so I offer the following version: 1. The universe is fine-tuned for life. 2. The fine-tuning of the universe is due to either physical necessity, chance, or design. 3. It is not due to physical necessity or chance. 4. Therefore, it is...
  2. Joshua260

    The Teleological Argument

    The Teleological Argument 1. The fine-tuning of the universe is due to either physical necessity, chance, or design. 2. It is not due to physical necessity or chance. 3. Therefore, it is due to design. It was suggested to create a thread specifically on this subject.
  3. Joshua260

    How does one come to believe something?

    There was a thread a while back entitled "Belief not a choice?" and several atheists in that thread insisted that people only come to believe things by evaluating evidence. So I thought I'd extend that into a syllogism and see if it floats. 1. People only come to believe something by...
  4. Joshua260

    "Blind faith" versus "choosing to believe"

    Per the forum guidelines, I'd like to stay on topic with this thread and not get distracted into a theological debate. I have a simple question: 1. Many atheists claim that Christians have a "blind faith" (meaning that they believe something with zero evidence to support their belief). 2...
  5. Joshua260

    Problem of Evil Argument Conclusion versus a "lack of belief".

    Unfortunately, I side-tracked a thread (sorry...I honestly didn't mean to) and it may have been one of the reasons it got closed. I was only asking a quick question, but I guess I hit a nerve and many atheists wanted to engage me. Therefore, I thought I would start a separate thread which...