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  1. Kittykatgrizabella

    Kinda new again

    I have been gone for such a long time! Its been...4 years 0_0 I think I need to change some stuff in my profile. :P This site has changed quit a bit! Hope you all are doing well! :)
  2. Kittykatgrizabella

    Iraq Survey

  3. Kittykatgrizabella

    Dancing with the stars

    Ok how many you have watched that show this past season? Oy! my mom went overly crazy over it! well yadda I did also. It was awesome! ^-^
  4. Kittykatgrizabella

    Wow! Haven't been here in awhile!

    "Wow!"Again...heh-a lot has changed since I was gone from the site. I hope I can remember how the system works>.>yadda I was gone for about a year or so. My pc crashed and all. I feel like a new meber again! oy! lol:D
  5. Kittykatgrizabella

    oh please pray for me

    Pray for me please. i feel so cold and lonely at times. I've been thinking of horrible things. I feel excluded from the world becuase I am so shy. Please help me.
  6. Kittykatgrizabella

    can you help me please?

    ok I have a quick easy smeasy question. I was going to ask this in the education and hw forum but no body is there and i need the answere asap. Stock market: Is it a good thing if a stock's share drops down to 43 cents? please help i not that bright when it comes to these...
  7. Kittykatgrizabella

    Loving others?

    I live in a town where there is a couple peole who are "mentally disabled" One is homeless and the other lives at a home. I tend to feel sorry for them at times...but knowing the best thing that I could do is smile and say Hi to them when I walk by. I know they wont hurt me...I know them...
  8. Kittykatgrizabella

    Any marching band geeks out there?!?

    Anyone here members of a school's marching band? I am of course. I dont play an instrument though..but I do colorguard. We are going to be entering in a lot of competitons this year! cant wait! wo0t! So anyone? what do you play or do? what competitions are ya going to? ~Kat
  9. Kittykatgrizabella

    Bogiepop phantom wierd or what?!?

    I just watched the first series over at a friends house. We had no idea what the heck was going on. It was filled with a lot of insane people. *nods* who here agrees? I cant say it was bad...I do say its an ok horror series.
  10. Kittykatgrizabella

    Zelda for gamecube whats the difference?

    I've seen some zelda games such as Oot and MM for gamecube. All I want to know is what is the difference from thoes games to the ones on N64. Also what do you think of the fourswords?
  11. Kittykatgrizabella

    Zelda for gamecube whats the difference?

    I've seen some zelda games such as Oot and MM for gamecube. All I want to know is what is the difference from thoes games to the ones on N64.
  12. Kittykatgrizabella

    sleep zzzzz

    Is too much sleep bad for you? I heard it from some people that it is, but why? I know that not having that much sleep isnt good.
  13. Kittykatgrizabella

    Carnival blues...Help!

    Yadda I love riding rides at the carnival and amusement parks and such. However I have a problemo...I get motion sickness really bad. :sick: After one ride on the spider my one eye will go in another direction and my stomach will just drop after that I'll just get really dizzy. My auntie said...
  14. Kittykatgrizabella

    whats the worst game that you ever played?

    well I have come across one of the super mario games((N64))....its kind of boring...i think its just me. what about you?
  15. Kittykatgrizabella


    I heard that it was not good to stretch before an activity and that it is best to do it that true?
  16. Kittykatgrizabella

    Favorit Anime show opening

    My favorit anime opeing has to be love hina and cowboy bebop. Love hina has that wild and crazy opening while CB has a cool and jazzy kind of opening. whats yours?
  17. Kittykatgrizabella


    :pink: yadda I cant wait till prom! its this weekend! :D Im going to go with friends. Its gonna be a blast! afterwords we might go our prom dresses! hehehe! So how many of you went to prom or are going? how was it like? did ya have fun? wo0t! me cant wait! :pink:
  18. Kittykatgrizabella

    Favorit anime movie?

    :wave: What is your favorit anime Movie? Mine has to be cowboy bebop! Great story line and a lot of action!
  19. Kittykatgrizabella

    'ello yadda...

    :wave: Hey Hey! yadda...I am new. I should have posted this before...oy oy oy! :P I am pagan ((wiccan Preferably)) and im from The state of New York. Im a fun filled excited person! yup yup! I love anime and the japanese cultural! it roxs man! I also like to play video games such as legend of...