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  1. Hermeneutico

    Confronting the Proof-Texting of John 20:22

    John 20:22 as a proof text for conversion indwelling is hermeneutically weak: Here is what the text clearly states... 1. Jesus breathed on His disciples. 2. Jesus told them to receive the Holy Spirit. That is it!! This passage does not specify the following: 1. Whether or not the disciples...
  2. Hermeneutico

    "None of His" (Romans 8:9): Three Views

    Most Evangelicals read Romans 8:9 as a proof-text for the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit. IRom 8:9 KJV: The interesting thing is that those same people that use Romans 8:9b as a proof text deny the literalism of Romans 8:9a : The last quote above, taken literally, would teach that when one...
  3. Hermeneutico

    The Indwelling-Gift of the Holy Spirit

    The Gift of the Holy Spirit also referred to as the baptism with/in/by the Holy Spirit, was understood as an event after water baptism throughout Church History up to the Reformation. It was considered the time the Holy Spirit indwells a believer. During the Reformation, a novel view emerged...
  4. Hermeneutico

    The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit

    The Indwelling/Gift of the Holy Spirit was always understood, generally speaking, as an event that took place after water baptism throughout Church History up to the Reformation. During the Reformation, a new view emerged that the moment one comes to faith (Calvin) or is water-baptized (Luther)...