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  1. ImaginaryDay

    "In, With, and Under" the bread and wine

    As I'm still learning some things about the Lutheran church, I'm a bit confused about the context of Christ being present "in, with, and under" the bread and wine, as the words themselves relate to the Eucharist. Cam someone break this down for me?
  2. ImaginaryDay

    Complementarians and spiders

    *Great big huge freakin' disclaimer for Complementarians - It's satire ;)
  3. ImaginaryDay

    The "Is your spouse a Christian?" assumption

    One trend that I notice on the MC forum is that, when someone asks for advice about brokenness, healing, prayer, or restoration in their marriage, a question sometimes will come up - "Is your spouse a Christian?" It's curious to me, I suppose, because it somehow implies that the issues might be...
  4. ImaginaryDay

    Egalitarian vs. Complementarian views on marriage

    Hello! I am proposing a debate on the Egalitarian vs. Complementarian views on marriage. I would take the 'Egalitarian' position - being that Christ is the true 'Head' in marriage, and that mutual submission is commanded in scripture. I would also submit that there is no basis for the...
  5. ImaginaryDay

    Egalitarian=blasphemous left-wing feminism?

    Help me understand this. In a discussion elsewhere, the tried-and-true discussion of Complementarian and Egalitarian marriage was introduced. On one side, the Complementarian brought out the tried-and-true 'proof' of his POV, based on 1 Peter 3. The same person often uses Ephesians 5:22 as a...
  6. ImaginaryDay

    22 years

    I can attest that, after 22 years of not having had a drink, alcohol still tastes just as horrible now as it did then.
  7. ImaginaryDay

    Chris Christie's big oops?

    Found this amusing today. Somehow I'm grateful to be living in Canada (I grew up in Michigan). These guys make Justin Trudeau look like a gift. And I was a freakin' Republican! ^_^
  8. ImaginaryDay

    Motorhead drummer dies
  9. ImaginaryDay

    about that conversation...

    Posting here is a privilege that I don't try to abuse. I post elsewhere now because of the culture of antagonism and baiting that still seems to exist here. It seems I can't even give objective information without the word "argue" being thrown about. "And, to be honest, I resent that." I post in...
  10. ImaginaryDay

    Poll on same-sex marriage discussion

  11. ImaginaryDay

    A question for Credo-baptists

    If there is only "biblical evidence" for Credo-baptism, is it necessary for the parents of babies to have the child dedicated, or is this optional? If you believe it is necessary, why? Is it an "act of conscience" on the part of the parents, or something else?
  12. ImaginaryDay

    Pope Francis - Interesting statements.

    "Let us ask the Lord for a strong faith to see with his eyes the reality of family life, and for a deep love to approach all families with his merciful heart,"
  13. ImaginaryDay

    No one is righteous vs. the righteousness of Christ

    So as not to derail a thread I'll post this here. How do we compare: To this?: "But now apart from the Law the righteousness of God has been manifested, being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets, 22 even the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all those who believe; for...
  14. ImaginaryDay

    Stephen Hawing says Zayn Malik is still in "One Direction"! :) *Disclaimer - This is not to poke fun at Stephen Hawking (maybe at "One Direction"...;))
  15. ImaginaryDay

    Prayer for my wife

    Hi all! I am requesting prayer for my wife ("ValleyGal" on CF). She's come down with a severe flu bug overnight, which rarely happens to her. She's resting, but not able to keep anything down right now. Hoping for a quick recovery. Thanks!
  16. ImaginaryDay

    Solved!!! ;)

    This 124-Year-Old Patent Reveals The Right Way To Use Toilet Paper
  17. ImaginaryDay

    Give up Lent for Lent?

    This stuff truly makes me sick. I'm Giving up Lent for Lent - Dr. Paul J. Dean Christian Blog
  18. ImaginaryDay

    Yet another selfless act

    Pope treats homeless to new sleeping bags
  19. ImaginaryDay

    Pope Francis reflects alongside Muslim Cleric

    You'll notice that not one Muslim rose up in protest and had to be escorted out. Pope Francis reflects alongside Islamic cleric in Istanbul mosque
  20. ImaginaryDay

    Does Christmas really need to be "saved"?

    Kirk Cameron thinks so. Part of how he thinks so is: "(Women), Let your children, your family, see your joy in the way you decorate your home this Christmas, in the food that you cook, the songs you sing, the stories you tell, and the traditions that you keep." Yep. Time to start...