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  1. P

    Prayer for a sister

    Dear Family. Please say a prayer for a dear friend and sister, Gloria...she has an undiagnosed stomach problem and cannot eat...she is losing weight...pray that her doctors will figure this out and the Lord will see her His name Paul (the Lord knows who this woman is so...
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    The Ivory Coast in Africa

    With the pandemic and recent political upheaval many poor there are becoming homeless and very hungry...I know because I have a friend there named Danielle who is on the verge of eviction and also has little food...please pray fpr her and her family and the others as well (even tho some are...
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    Please pray for my 35 yr old daughter

    Brothers and sisters...please pray fro my daughter who went missing 2 weeks ago and cannot be contacted...we fear any number of scenarios...we have filed a missing persons and the Police are searching as we speak...please please pray that she will be found and alive. Where 2 or 3 are gathered...
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    Thyroid Cancer

    Please say a prayer for a sister in the Lord that is my friend (a pseudo-daughter in the extended family)...she has been diagnosed with thyroid cancer and is having it removed. Pray for the doctors and for her survival. Her children need her and her faith. Thanks Brother Paul
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    Star bucks alert

    Stop buying any and all Star Bucks products Starbucks Unveils New Satanic Holiday Cups
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    Noting the difference between data and narrative

    For most of my life I was fully convinced of the narrative I had received from the Evolutionary biologists (EBs) regarding all the explanations they were providing (Ernst Mayr called much of it a constructed historical narrative). For many, many, decades prior to that, while EBs insisted on what...
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    A question of ERVs

    Most would say that what we call ERVs are considered Endogenous Viral Elements (EVEs) because they are similar to, or could have been derived from, retroviruses. Now undoubtedly some are or were, but many only might have been or it is likely that this was their source. According to Kim ...
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    Does Chromosome 2 fusion prove divergence from Apes

    Gene Fusions within Chromosomes are not altogether uncommon. In fact, they are very common among what man has labeled Equids (horses, Zebras, and donkeys). Modern horses we are more familiar with and the Mongolian Wild horse (also called Przewalski's horse) demonstrate such an example. The...
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    Prayers for my sister in law

    My experience when two or more agree is incredible and prayers I requested here and elsewhere have always bore positive fruit. So today I am asking for some warriors to support and petition the Lord to heal my sister in law Eileen who suffering from Lymphedema has acquired a cellulitis infection...
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    Something from Nothing! Considerations...

    Osho, The Great Zen Master Ta Hui, says “Only nothingness can be infinite; somethingness is bound to be finite. Only out of nothingness is an infinite expanse of life, existence, possible - not out of somethingness. God is not somebody: He is nobody or, more correctly, nobodiness. God is not...
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    Are instincts a program or a developed coincidence

    Whenever a behavior is inherently preformed without being based on teaching, modelling, or past experience (trial and error) we call it “instinctual”. Recently however scientists are concluding that it is more likely that these propensities and abilities are somehow already written in the...
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    New watch and the universe the result of an observer

    “Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word (Logos) of God...” – Hebrews 11 Physicist Sir James Jeans writes, “... the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine. Mind no longer appears to be an accidental intruder into the realm of...
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    Prayers for Jon

    Please pray for my son Jonathan [staff edit] who recently developed mental health issues...he has not slept in 4 days...we have prayed and prayed even tried benedryl and Melatonin...he needs to sleep...please pray Thanks
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    Please pray now

    Dearest prayer warriors please find time to send up a prayer for my brother and his family. Jim is barely 60 years old and he and Eileen have a 20 year old son still at home. They are Christians and Jim has plenty of faith and hope but nonetheless let me give you the details. Though he and...
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    Time to re-write Clovis

    The original consensus on Clovis was due to the inability to get dating older than 11,500 years. A few rebel scientists and theorists postulated a more likely date of 15,000 years ago which was later confirmed in many places. The Cactus Hill site in Virginia wielded much evidence (stone tools...
  16. P

    More Things to consider

    Darwin was convinced that the direction of evolution was demonstrated in that simpler forms became more complex forms over long periods of time. He predicted we would find that small successive changes led to the development of all organs as well as to the more complex and higher organisms. Not...
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    A re-writing of history, again

    As many know, Petralona Man was originally dated to between 70,000 and 700,000 years old based on the surrounding geology. made sense that a later human(s) could have wandered into or explored or taken up residence in a much older cave. Since then other dating methods have been applied...
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    Vadasaurus and the assumption phenomena

    Fossilized ancient lizard shows how dinos evolved to live in the oceans NOVEMBER 8TH, 2017, by Alexander Micu Scientists have discovered a beautifully preserved, almost complete fossil of a new reptile species. Dubbed Vadasaurus herzogi, the discovery offers a snapshot of evolution at work...
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    More watch and consider

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    How does natural selection determine which mutations remain and which do not?

    Seriously! Seriously! This is one question I have never found a satisfactory explanation for. By natural selection? But how does the cell accomplish this? If not by natural selection then are they acquired? But they are inheritable???? We know DNA repair processes weed most of them out so are...