Search results

  1. Shane R

    On Catholic Schools

    My daughter has not been thriving at the public school. She was referred out to counseling with a licensed social worker. Anyhow, her public school has pretty well given up on her. I went to her last appointment and spoke to the social worker about the local Catholic school. It is widely...
  2. Shane R

    A Teaching on Justification by the ELDoNA

    With some criticism of the teaching within LCMS and WELS.
  3. Shane R

    Favorite type of Smoker

    My friend Dave just got himself a pellet grill/smoker. He's very pleased with it. I have worked a smoke house in an old-time butcher shop. I've used most of the common types of smoker at some point. At home I've got an electric and a kamado. The electric is my favorite and I've just about worn...
  4. Shane R

    Flexibility in the LCMS communion distribution

    I visited an LCMS parish yesterday. They had changed their start time without updating any of their public listings. Consequently, I arrived as the processional hymn was coming to an end. This meant I had not had any opportunity to introduce myself or speak to the pastor in advance. (Although...
  5. Shane R

    Lenten Soup Supper

    It has been the custom of my Anglican church to hold Evensong with a soup supper as a midweek event in Lent. Typically, I make the soup at least half of the weeks. Though there is no support for the event this year, I will continue the custom of making soup each Wednesday in my home. Week by...
  6. Shane R

    Flank Steak

    This cut is not so popular anymore. I've been using it often recently because I constantly find it marked down 30-50%. It takes marinade very well. It also grills nicely. It can be rolled and turned into pinwheels. Or, if your knife skills are good, butterflied and turned into a very elegant...
  7. Shane R

    For the Old Catholics

    Archbishop Bacinsky of the Old Catholic Church of Slovakia has passed due to the coronavirus. This particular Old Catholic church is in full communion with the Orthodox Anglican Communion. A word from the primate: O God, by whose inscrutable appointment Thy servant Augustín was numbered among...
  8. Shane R

    BCP 2019

    ACNA has completed and adopted a new American prayer book: Anglican Church in North America – 2019 Book of Common Prayer The book launched rather ignominiously, as it was not used at the very service where it was formally accepted! Within a week, the Diocese of Quincy had announced it is not...
  9. Shane R

    Reconstruction of the 'Rite of Salisbury' (Sarum) at Hampton Court Palace Chapel

    Has anyone else seen news and photos of this? I saw the booklet for the order of service. Everything, including the readings, was in Latin. There was some question over whether Roman clergy or CofE clergy presided, but as far as I have been able to gather, it was CofE clergy. The AngloCatholics...
  10. Shane R

    "Sydney Anglicanism" the way forward for GAFCON?

    I am beginning to see this sentiment expressed more and more by ACNA types here in N. America. I doubt most of them know anything about that particular expression of Anglicanism. I have read ++Jensen quite a bit in the last two years and came away fairly certain that he should be classified as a...
  11. Shane R

    The Mosy Cynical Thing You Will Read Today: One Take on GAFCON III

    I know a lot of ACNA folk who think GAFCON is the future of Anglicanism. For them, no matter what happened at the conference last week, it was going to be an awesome move of the Spirit (well, unless an important bishop came out of the closet as gay). I'll make a few bullet points: * They got...
  12. Shane R

    Competition Shooting

    I don't care what style: Bullseye, 3-gun, Rimfire Sporter, Long Range, IDPA, Cowboy Action, Trap and Skeet, or even Turkey Shoots. Share what you do, maybe how you got into it, and if you are any good.
  13. Shane R

    Cynewulf's "Christ" Triad

    The early English poet Cynewulf wrote a poem in three parts called "Christ." The parts of the poem are "The Advent," "The Ascension," and "The Last Judgment." The poem is rich in medieval devotion and theology, prior to the rise of the Scholastic school. As such, is it is a work of popular...
  14. Shane R

    The Continuing Movement: Statistical Analysis

    I have been doing some research on the size of the Continuing Anglican Movement in the United States and Canada. I am not finished with the report, which I will submit first to my own jurisdiction and then, with the approval of the Bishop, to Roger Olsen's team that is compiling the new edition...
  15. Shane R

    Reflections on Hell and Repentance

    I received these sermon notes the other day from an associate of mine: In our parable for tomorrow (Luke 16:19-31), The rich man had come to a place beyond the cross-roads of decision – to a place in which there is permanent suffering – to a place in which there is no redemption. Note that...
  16. Shane R

    On Closer Acquaintance: An Interim Report

    Here is a document signed by representatives of the ACNA and LCMS/LCC addressing the scope of theological agreement, and issues of contention, between the church bodies:
  17. Shane R


    Suddenly, infant or pedo-communion has popped up on the radar of a number of my Lutheran and Anglican contacts. It is a point of discussion for the upcoming LCMS convention: My seminary president recently wrote a...
  18. Shane R

    My Scholarship Offer Came Today

    I was ecstatic to get the letter. The out of pocket cost for my seminary tuition has been reduced to $1869. That represents a discount of 78%. That's a big deal for my family because I have not made more than $10.50 per hour since I left the Navy since I have had to follow my active duty wife's...
  19. Shane R

    The Ordinariate Gets a Bishop The Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter has had a bishop appointed for the first time in its brief...
  20. Shane R

    2016 for Traditional Churches

    Next year is a big year for traditional churches: 1) The Pan-Orthodox Council 2) The Primates Meeting for the Anglican Communion 3) The General Convention of the LCMS We should continue to be mindful of the ongoing Syrian genocide of Catholic and Orthodox Christians, which has spilled over into...