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  1. candle glow

    What does it mean to be born again 2

    I found pink spider's "what does it mean to be born again" thread and was disappointed to find it locked. Anyway, I think the topic could be worthy of more discussion. I think the "born again" phrase is something along the lines of deciding to live by completely new/ or different...
  2. candle glow

    Is it okay to talk about casting pearls before swine?

    In Matthew 7 Jesus gave instructions about not casting our pearls before swine. In Christian forums in general, I've seen people reference this teaching to insult others and there are times when I've seen people use it to explain a genuine circumstance. However, it seems there is not time when...
  3. candle glow

    Good deeds daily

    Hi ya'll, I'm not sure if there is any thread already like this, though I know there are a few websites like it. Anyway, this thread is dedicated to good deeds that we see OTHER people do (and not particularly about our own good deeds). Here in Kenya there is a lot to love, but there is also...
  4. candle glow

    Are you allowed to say it?

    I was talking with a friend yesterday about a T-shirt I printed with a Christian message. He joked with me that it could be my "on the job witness" but said that I'd probably not be allowed to wear it in a normal work environment anyway. I joked that I'd have to be content to just keep saying...
  5. candle glow

    All praise to the grumpy God!

    NOTE: A friend of mine recently sent this to me and I thought it's worth posting. Enjoy. :) ------------------------------------ My wife and I were reading a couple of chapters in Luke's Gospel this week, and I was struck by the fact that God does not seem to have a problem with using...
  6. candle glow

    testing your patience

    That is all...
  7. candle glow

    the virgin army

    This is part 2 of a series of studies written by a friend of mine, which deals with the 144k mentioned in Revelation 7. I'm currently having a chat with a friend about celibacy (and the reasons for it) and felt inspired to post this. If anyone is interested in part 1 or part 2 pm me. For...
  8. candle glow

    irrefutable proof?

    I was recently engaged in a discussion with some atheists about proof of God's existence. I suggested that God deliberately set things up so that, at least we today, could not irrefutably prove his existence on the basis that God is looking for people who will search for him diligently as a sign...
  9. candle glow

    The most dangerous verse in the Bible?

    Hi all, Some friends recently exchanged thoughts on a particular verse in the Bible and I thought it may be encouraging reading for others. It starts with an article written by a friend, a response to that by another friend, and then a follow up response to that by the original friend. It's a...
  10. candle glow

    The love of money in the church?

    I read this article on yahoonews today and though it might make an interesting topic for discussion. It's about a religious leader who wears an expensive watch, but in a press release photo the expensive watch was edited out. I"ve cut and pasted the article here, and put bold in the comments...
  11. candle glow

    false cornerstones

    This is a study written by a friend of mine. Let me know what you all think. Over the years I have noted hundreds of divisions (if not thousands) between professing Christians, many of which lead one side or the other (or both) to make accusations against the others, some going so far as to...
  12. candle glow

    Jesus and money...

    Well, I believe the title is enough introduction in itself... When Jesus tells us we cannot work for God and money at the same time without cheating on one or the other, how does that sit with other Christians?
  13. candle glow

    The violence debate

    Hi all, Over on another thread there has been some discussion about Christians and the military. For me, I'm fairly well convinced regarding the military and Christianity. But someone brought up the idea of police and I wondered if that's really the same. Police are meant to protect people...
  14. candle glow

    giving in secret

    Someone recently sent anonymous donations to me. When I tried to send that person a thank you, not only for the donations, but for doing so anonymously, I was not able to, apparently BECAUSE the donation was anonymous. What a fantastic approach to the teachings of Jesus about giving in secret...