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    how is masturbation a sin

    i mean , i bet most people have done it. everyone in fact. how is it a sin. its never mentioned in the bible. so is it really a sin?
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    I dont believe in Jesus anymore

    Ok, I have lost faith in Jesus and have become agnostic yesterday. I dont like the word agnosticism , as it implies lack of spirituality in that it is associated with atheism But is it wrong to simply try a bunch of different things to try to experiment with different religions. I mean , I...
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    drug addiction, porn addiction, and lack of faith , now what?

    i tried going to church ,etc. go to youth groups,etc. im 18 years old. im a guy. i have a prescription drug abuse addiction , though i use other drugs occassionally. this particular drug is the only one i am addicted to. its a real problem, its harmed my social life, caused unhealthy weight...
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    i dont care about gods will, is that bad?

    I have prayed the "get saved" prayer many times, then gone right back to sin. i have found that the best form of morality is " as long as it dont hurt nobody else its fine". i dont go to church, i dont read the bible, i smoke weed a few times a week,i watch porn twice a day, i drink a few...
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    Is astral projection a sin?

    I do this thing called astral projection, which is where I meditate and try to achieve an altered state of conciousness that gives the feeling of being out of one's body. Literally, it feels that there is a separation of me and my body. Is this a sin.
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    will god make me normal if i have aspergers

    im new, im an 18 year old guy named michael. there is one thing that really has been bothering me a lot, this is what made me turn to Jesus though and become closer to him. i found out i had aspergers in 2009. and that really made me feel worthless. like i read that most people with that dont...