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  1. ScottA

    Neutering God for Women's Rights

    The whole idea of women in leadership is such a hot issue, and whenever it comes up it turns into a female-verses-male, equality contest...and it should not be so -'s not about us. The whole point of God creating us in His image, male and female, has a purpose that is simply bigger...
  2. ScottA

    "Belief" and Conjecture.

    Much of the debate that goes on here - which gives the impression that we Christians all believe something different - seems to come from a misunderstanding of just what "belief" is: Believing is not "knowing." Sorry folks, but believing does not qualify anyone to speak with authority on...
  3. ScottA

    The "Perfect" Church.

    All the talk about the perfect church for this person or that person troubles me. We should not encourage such an approach. Jesus, in a similar [enough] situation, said, "Follow Me, and let the dead bury their own dead."Matthew 8:22 Sounds harsh, but I would consider it more
  4. ScottA

    Fish who won't evolve.

    The greatest of ironies exist among Atheists and scientists, who campaign for evolution, but cannot even conceive evolving themselves or ascending to anything higher than their best organic self. Nonetheless, they end up here, here at the edge of their physical world gazing shoreward, not...
  5. ScottA

    Are you an "Old Maid?"

    With very little scientific evidence to offer the non-Christian world, it is a challenge to convey or define just what it is that Christians have that non-Christians do not. We find ourselves trying to explain something like "love", which doesn't quite tell all. The example of being an "old...
  6. ScottA

    No Time, No Age.

    How does science stand its ground on the age of the universe, when science cannot agree that Time is anything but an illusion?
  7. ScottA

    You are HERE.

    Most Christians accept the fact that the Book of Revelation is more accurately: The Revelation of Jesus Christ. But considering that the angel who revealed it all to John told him to write everything that was and is and is to come, and because Christ IS the Word of is no stretch to...
  8. ScottA

    What happened before that?

    I would like to hear arguments for what science knows of what happened before the first thing science says happened.
  9. ScottA

    Children of The Corn

    I submit...that our faithless friends here amongst us are as children of the corn, who have likewise, but intellectually, tore out the pages of the New Testament, creating their own life of zombie-like horror. Pray for them. "Children of the Corn"...
  10. ScottA


    On many debates here the scientific community demands that scientific evidence be given that would prove the existence of God. I have tried to reason and suggest that internal evidence could not possibly prove external matters. I mean, doesn't that make perfect sense? Still, the demand is the...
  11. ScottA

    Demonstrate this creator (continued)

    ↑ Okay. Evolution exists "within" a greater sphere of understanding than science. Science is simply a small part of something way bigger. It exists within a "created" sphere. That sphere has a Creator. He has made available more knowledge than science knows about that bigger sphere...but for...
  12. ScottA

    Amazing Hatred

    I have been away from partaking in forums for a while, and the one thing that seems to have intensified is the amazing amount of expressed hatred, especially in politics. Politics has kinda gotten that way as well, as a matter of fact. This site is quite the violent mix of persons too. Perhaps...
  13. ScottA

    Change in America

    It is a shame, but the political genius of the Democratic party, is changing America. Somewhere in their history, someone discovered that the more people their policies appealed to, the more votes they would get. Brilliant. Unfortunately, it is changing the way Americans think. America was...
  14. ScottA

    One Authority

    Whether you are a Christian, or an Atheist, or any should consider this one question about what you believe and what is true about life: If you were born into a large room with a group of other people and no one had ever been or seen outside the room...who inside the room could...