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  1. The Cadet

    Trump: we should respond to Iran's taunts with an act of war, should be "shot out of the water" Days after Iranian sailors harassed an American Navy vessel, GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump said on Friday he would have had them “shot out of the...
  2. The Cadet

    Serious Policy Discussion

    In this thread: we have serious discussions about the proposed policies of each of the candidates. A candidate's health is not their policy. A candidate's character is not their policy. A candidate stiffing their staff is not their policy. This is about policy. What the candidates propose...
  3. The Cadet

    Trump DC Policy Team Falls Apart Because Trump Wouldn't Pay Them The Trump campaign built a large policy shop in Washington that has now largely melted away because of neglect, mismanagement and promises of pay that were never honored. Many of the...
  4. The Cadet

    Esquire: Trump lying about article which supposedly proves he was against Iraq War from the start Editor's note: The following story was published in the August 2004 issue of Esquire. During the 2016 presidential election, Donald Trump has repeatedly claimed to have been against the Iraq War from the...
  5. The Cadet

    Trump's ISIS policy: Get Generals To Do What They've Been Trying To Do For Decades Well, now we know what Trump's "foolproof" and "absolute" plan for defeating ISIS is — to ask the generals to come up with a plan, quickly...
  6. The Cadet

    Is Trump being graded on a curve? Media Coverage Slanting in his favor True, there aren’t many efforts to pretend that Donald Trump is a paragon of honesty. But it’s hard to escape the impression that he’s being graded on a curve. If he manages to read from a TelePrompter without going...
  7. The Cadet

    Trump still lying about opposition to Libya and Iraq; moderator failed to call him on it

    Liberal media bias, huh? Later, near the very end of the interview, Trump said that Clinton "made a terrible mistake on Libya." In fact, Trump himself supported the military action in Libya that he now...
  8. The Cadet

    Trump Still Completely Clueless

    EDIT: Apparently he's not talking about cybersecurity so much as just the whole internet...
  9. The Cadet

    The Most Substantial Difference

    If you want to see perhaps the most important difference between Clinton and Trump come January 21st, it pays to examine their policy. Policy proposals largely define what a president wants to do, but it also tells us a lot about how they understand the world. And this is where the single...
  10. The Cadet

    If it's raw speculation that the past comports to the present...

    ...Then how could you ever make the case that it was me who took the money out of your wallet, busted open your kneecap, and left you for dead?
  11. The Cadet

    Hillary calls for comission to fine price-jacking Pharmaceutical Companies Hillary Clinton already had a plan to lower prescription drug costs. In fact, it was one of the first pieces of her agenda that she rolled out. But following the furor over...
  12. The Cadet

    Donald Trump’s long history of racism, from the 1970s to 2016 1973: The US Department of Justice — under the Nixon administration, out of all administrations — sued the Trump Management Corporation for violating the Fair Housing Act. Federal officials found evidence that Trump had refused...
  13. The Cadet

    Americans are supposed to turn to police after a murder. In black communities, they often can't. This is the tragedy at the heart of Leovy’s book: While America’s violent crime rate hasplummeted by roughly half since the 1990s, shootings and homicides in many black communities remain astonishingly common. Although...
  14. The Cadet

    9th Circuit Court upholds law banning conversion therapy SAN FRANCISCO (CN) — A Ninth Circuit panel upheld California's ban on so-called gay conversion therapy for a second time Tuesday, finding that legislation prohibiting licensed counselors from the...
  15. The Cadet

    Europeans lack confidence in Trump Given that I've seen some rumors flying around that nobody really respects Obama, it might be worthwhile to actually check out the evidence. Turns out that our allies in...
  16. The Cadet

    Watch The American Climate Change Debate Devolve This 10-minute video reminds us of something I had actually forgotten: up until about 7 years ago, the debate surrounding climate science was almost rational. Many congressional republicans and many major figures within the...
  17. The Cadet

    Clinton Speech Links Trump to Racist Alt-Right, Alex Jones The full transcript is worth reading, but here are a few of my favorite excerpts: The latest shake-up was designed to – quote – "Let Trump be Trump." To do that, he hired Stephen Bannon, the head of a right-wing website...
  18. The Cadet

    The Party That Cried Wolf

    Anyone wondering why the Clinton email scandal isn't gaining traction? Look to the Clinton Foundation scandal. In the Clinton Foundation "scandal", we have bad intel running on repeat trying to slam a charitable foundation as a slush fund or "sold influence" based on virtually no supporting...
  19. The Cadet

    The More Dishonest Candidate

    Who lies more, Clinton or Trump? Obviously, sheer numbers are not a 100% surefire indicator of the more dishonest candidate, but it might be an interesting look into it. So let's play a little game here: lie for lie. I'll start by bringing up a substantial Trump lie. Someone else matches it...
  20. The Cadet

    Trump rejects US Intelligence Agencies Hours before he is set to receive his first classified intelligence briefing, Donald Trump said he does not trust information coming out of U.S. intelligence agencies and indicated he...